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Girls-What do you find yourself doing when you like a guy?


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lol ofcourse the staring thing...going out of your way to walk through the hall his locker is even though your class is on another floor lol. i dont REALLY BLUSH...at least ive never heard it, but i am more animated, more out there, very talkitive. i will try to make some type of physical contact with him, touching his arm, thigh, stuff like that. i told the guy i liked he was reallly cute all the time but he thought i just looked at him as a baby (a year younger) lol...so i can be straight out sometimes but the BIGGEST ONE FOR ME which i havnt seen from anyone else is i doodle ALOTTT, their name is everywhere, hearts everywhere lol. what do you guys do??? o ya and songs seem to mean so much more!

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Think about them alot, definitely, more glancing than staring, can't stare without that person looking back.


Erm, laughing at their jokes, also friendly hitting/touching arm, always trying to make time to talk to them one to one, i can't do what some people do, with all the excessive flirting, just not that sort of girl

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LOL, I recently discussed it with several of my girlfriends and we realized that all of us act like complete idiots when we talk or out with a guy we really like.


I mean, you start being nervous, you laugh more of course but somehow it gets to be more laughing than usual, as oppose to when i'm relaxed, thereforeeee to me it looks like i'm acting unnatural...I look into his eyes, play with my hair, I say stupid things sometimes......


I think we attract people we don't like, because we act natural, I noticed it about myself, and guys that I had chemistry with right from the start, I blewed it so many times with guys like that because of my unnatural behaviour, nervousness and too much talking.

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Just curious - girls, say you've been staring at a guy, and if he catches you, you just look away real quick. Say he's caught you a couple of times. What do you do from now on? Just stop staring at him or something?


Depends if I like him or not. If i'm not interested, i'll stop looking -- but if I am, i'll keep shooting sideways glances his way! LoL.


Sometimes I stop looking over at him though because i'm afraid he's caught me staring at him too many times and I dont want him to think i'm a freak, lol. XD


I've actually noticed -- and, this is going to sound quite suss, lol -- that whenever i'm subconsciously thinking about the guy I like, usually in a boring class or just on the bus, I slide my ring off my finger, and then start pushing my finger back in and out of it -- or I run my finger along the edge of it, around in a circle. This is while i'm just thinking about how cute his smile is, when he squints up his eyes and how he has such a funny laugh...

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i'm a bit of a wuss, so i'll do a bit of staring, although i'll try to talk to her asap too (if she catches me staring, i don't want her to think that i'm scared to approach her).


i try to get eye contact first. if i can't get that, it probably means she hasn't really noticed me or anything. i'm quite good looking, so i usually have at least a few girls checking me out, and i don't have to go out of the way to get a girl's attention.


generally my energy level goes down when i talk to a girl, i'm a bit more cautious/suspicious. a bit more quiet, and more reserved. that's just me though, i'm like that naturally. with other people i don't particularily care about, i'm more outgoing and friendly, so there's a difference in the way i behave.




actually, this thread is interesting for me, cause i've recently found an extremely pretty girl who's been staring at me a bit, and she always looks away when i start glancing in her direction. she won't notice me (or pretends not to notice me) when i'm closer by and can see her. she's given a shy "hi" once as i was walking past, but it was a bit late, and i didn't really hear it till too late. she's pretty shy when i'm around too. so i don't know if she's just shy or if she likes me or whatever. and i'm talking too much now, so i'll stop, because i'm starting to yack on like a girl and i'm scaring myself. the end.

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Well i love to take pictures ok. I have a 500 dollar digital camra and i take lots of pictures. Love to take them. great fun. So i guess what i will do is like take pictures of them, they are used to my taking pictures all the time so, yeah. Then i have a picture of them, that is always great. HAHA like a stalker but not.i guess i will try to be extra nice to them. If they need to barrow a dollar or something like that i will give them one if i have it. He is in one of my class and rides my band bus so i will talk to him, and have a random wave occationally. Sometimes i will catch myself just starting into space and he'll ask what i am thinking about and i will be like... *sight* nothing.... I guess i will just be myself. He came to hang out when we were at a band competition and we were like rocketship, submarine, trainwreck. Its a like Band nerd high five. He will like just be nice to be and stuff. I might ask if i can have a sup of his drink and hes like yeah, there not much left... you can have the rest, when theres a lot left. basically like that.... yeah.

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