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Getting Your Ex Back Books


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So I wanted to know if anyone has actually read or tried any of these getting your ex back books to any avail. I mean there's tons that seem to be floating around the internet, but whenever you try to look for a legit review, what you mostly get is an advertisement saying how amazing a book is.


I wanted to know if there's actually any books that give good information that actually give good advice help get your ex back, or are they all just baloney? I mean of course, all relationships are different, but generally is the advice good, bad, or is it just a way for these people to make money? For example, I know there's a book called Text Your Ex Back which apparently gives you magic texts to make your ex think positive things about you, etc. Another one is the Ex2 System. And there's really a lot of others I've seen around.


Anyone with any experience want to share?


P.S. I know I shouldn't be wasting my time looking for stuff like this! But I can't help it sometimes, I try to limit it though

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Embarrassingly enough, I just bought one. It cost me 40 dollars. If you like, PM me and I can copy and paste it to you. I have actually read reviews, and they say things like "for those who can pull offmanipuaton tactics, this book is written by a real psychologist. blahblahblah"


and it's 100% money back guarantee. LETS SEE WHAT HAPPENS! lol

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IMO a real psychologist would never teach someone to "manipulate"...well not a good/credible one anyways.....when couples split it's usually for a good reason & if you want to get back together and have a real chance of success you need to figure out the underlying problems and solve them, if you can.....if you can do that & convey your understanding of where you went wrong as a couple, this is agreed on & feelings are strong enough--you might win another chance!?


If you look for tricks then tricks are all you will find--they won't keep the person involved with you because he/she will soon realize they were tricked & nothing has really changed...

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These books on how to get an ex back usually spit the same idea.


-Work on yourself while giving your ex time and space to think

-Learn how to live on your own and the attraction may soon fall back into place

-If you don't get back together with your ex, you're in a better place etc.


I seriously consider eNA a fantastic place to get ideas on where to start your life at again. I'm not for all the huffing and puffing of how to magically turn your situation around and have an ex chasing you, but getting yourself back does just that sometimes. You'll hear this a million times, but all situations, people and concepts are different, so there's really no one-size-fits-all formula that you can manipulate to your advantage. Of course there's tons of advice thrown around here, but how you act is what determines your future.

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And what I have take away from this so far: Women are insane. Lol. Well do anything to fix our mistakes.


I definitely dumped my boyfriend. That's the hardest part. The guilt. I made SO many mistakes. Not only am I losing the love of my life..but I did it to myself. Blah.

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Lol. I'm not into book, but I am into spells. Well I was. I remember i paid 40 dollars so a witch can do a love spell to bring back my ex.


Wow, now that is over the top haha, I'm curious to know how that turned out. Though, I don't see why you would want someone to come back if it's not with his own free will!

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Wow, now that is over the top haha, I'm curious to know how that turned out. Though, I don't see why you would want someone to come back if it's not with his own free will!


Well the girl he was dating, dumped him. (that was the spell was suppose to do.) And we did have sex, and talk about our past and junk, recently. But I don't believe it was the spell doing.

I believe in magic, shoot me. I was head over heels in love with this man. I wanting him back in my life, but now I'm whatever. Don't care if he comes or goes, marries another woman.

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since we're making confessions....I totally believe in 6th sense & that some readers have it! A co-worker kept asking me to come with her to her reader--I told her I thought it was hogwash....well, after a split years ago (that left me heartbroken) I figured I had nothing to loose....I gave this woman NOTHING but name, rank & serial # & just let her speak--she told me stuff about my then recent X, his lifestyle, his then current rlshp & so on that I thought was WAYYY off!.....well, every darn word of it has come true--every one!

She made a believer out of me! I'm sure many of them are fakes--but some have a real gift!


OP, I personally believe if things are meant to be they will be.....and everyone should be loved for who they are--ourselves and others.....if you have some beliefs that made you act jealous or over-protective you might want to work on those--question why they existed in the first place & what can come from holding the beliefs, fears, anxiety, etc you had....if you do that you'll be a better you--if not for your X then for the next lucky person you meet

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello My name is Toni, I came accross your post. I am wondering if you would possibly would copy and paste a copy of the Text Your Ex Back for me and send it to me. I only want the audio and the book, I dont need the other stuff. My email is email removed Thank you so much in advance

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 years later...


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