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All males.. Please i need your opinion/help on this one!

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Ok, so that you can answer my question i have to give a brief summary off another post.


So i met this guy at a dance (matthew) and we were totaly hitting it off till this girl comes up to us and says to me " um this is my boyriend"

she seems friendly about it and shes like "yeah but we cheat on eachother all the time." she gives him a quick peck on the lips then i talk to her for a bit then leave them alone.


Later on in the night i asked the guy if they were really together and hes like " no i dont know what she was talking about, we broke up a while ago" ( though he said this he played along with her and allowed her to kiss him) so i ask him if he wants to dance again and he says "not right now im looking for my brother" (who was also at the dance). I find the girl and she tells me she was just kidding around and that they broke up in may.


Now lately i found out that a guy i liked last year (justin) is really this guy (the guy from above, Matthew)'s younger brother( as in the brother he was looking for). Nothing ever happened between me and Justin. i tried calling him a few times and he stopped answering the phone so we stoped talking after a week of knowing eachother.


Now guys if these two things applied to you would you still call the girl?

i meen before any of this happened we were talking and dancing and really having fun and he asked for my number.


its been 4 days and he hasn't called ( which im told if ok) and im wondering if he will because of the whole thing with his younger brother and how his Ex came up to us.


P.S he goes to a different school than the girl and so i dont see him but i see her everyday.

Also im not even sure if he knows that i liked his brother last year.

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This poor guy is hopelessly embarrassed by this whole thing. His ex is trying to mess with him finding another girl friend just to be mean. (Some people are like that.)


If you get a chance to go to another dance or something where he is going to be, tell him you think she is an awful person for what she did.


That he did not know how to handle such a thing, is pretty understandable, most people just don't expect someone they once liked to treat them that way.


It's going to be hard for him to call you as embarrassed as he probably feels. If you can call him or see him again, let him know you know what his ex is doing, and that you like him.

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