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When my husband of 7 yrs walked out ( he was narcisstic) and left me with our 5 yr old twins I was completely broken to pieces. I sent him msgs on fb and e-mailed but got no reply. I felt desperate and helpless, even though I did everything in the relationship. He just nagged and put me down and paid for nothing, not even his twins.

After hearing from a friend he had e-maiked her telling her how badly I treated him and writing abusive things on my fb wall, I plucked the courage to try the no contact approach.

I deleted my fb and stopped all contact with him, as I was desperatly trying to get him back. Its been 2 weeks since I have cut him out completely and have been amazed at how I feel free.

I do still miss him and occationally cry, but cutting all ties has helped me as it feels he no longer is the centre of my world, i am able to cope alone, which I thought I never could.

As i am not sure what hes doing I do not care. He is no longer my priority in life, its me and my kids.

Anyone in a similar situation should try the nc approach, and you will be surprized at how strong you really are.

Wishing you all the very best .

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Yes, Forget about the past, stop worrying about the future and live in the present. When you delete the face book account and other memories things become simpler because no one is reminding you of the person from the past.


I acknoledge and appreciate your efforts !!! keep it up.

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I know how hard it is to get over someone you had so much love for, but I thought to myself, he abuses me verbally and phsically and I still love him, but if he loved me as much he would never hurt me. To be honest I was the one holding the realationship together and sooner or later I would have got hurt by him.

If he was true to his kids he would have kept in contact with them as well but he cares just for himself, so I have become selfish and think just of myself and my kids.

I have even built the courage to take the kids to Disneyland Paris in August for 1 week, as I need a break and so do my kids.

All you friends out there going through the same thing just think if your partner loved you enough they would have worked the realationship out with you and been there with you.

Good luck to you all and may you all get over your hurt soon.

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Natasha... reading your situation really puts a lot into perspective. Congratulations on doing the right thing for you and YOUR kids by going NC and adopting a whole new set of priorities. You said he abuses you verbally and physically, and all around he just sounds like a total dead beat, so to hell with him ye


You Rock!

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