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The Power of Forgiveness... it's a big step forward in healing... watch this!!

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To all my dear friends on ENA who have been deeply wounded by the person that you had loved or still love, and to some had thought was the one for them... today I took a big step forward in my recovery and I wanted to share with you, in hope that some, even if 1 person is helped by this, it's all worth it.


Regardless of what injustice has been done to you, how much hurt the other person has put you in, and it does not matter your culture, your spiritual belief, your age, what part of the world you are in right now... we all share the same thing and that is our heart has been wounded. For those who are still struggling to move on, I have come to learn that we must find the strength to forgive them and ourselves. It is very hard, but we must FORGIVE to release ourselves from this poison in our heart that they left.


"Until you learn to heal the wounds of the past, you will continue to bleed into the future" – Iyanla Vanzant


Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different. We cannot change people nor the past, all we can do is forgive and release ourselves from the prison that is placed around our heart by the past.


I don't watch Oprah, but today 3 separate individuals in my life told me about her Lifeclass lesson on The Power of Forgiveness. It's a really long show and some parts can be skipped if you are tight for time, but I think the overall message is extremely powerful: FORGIVENESS is healing... it's a medicine for our wounded heart. I am not claiming that this is the right path for everyone, but for those who are truly in pain or having a hard time moving on, I hope this will be of help.


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i concur.


forgiveness isn't about letting someone off the hook. it's about making the choice to move forward...to let go of the POISON (as you put it, thousand).




make room for something new!


Glad you agree!!


On a different note, if you are wondering how to deal with someone who you have forgiven (for the pain they caused you) but does not accept your apology (they still haven't forgiven)... this is what I am going through, I have forgiven my ex, but he is the one who cannot forgive me (for not pleasing his parents, for making mistakes that "crossed his bottom line"), which caused me even more pain (for in the end he ended the engagement because he cannot forgive me and felt I forced him to end the engagement, because I caused his parents to give him the ultimatum - if he marries me his parents will disown him). I have not forgiven myself. So today I am taking a big step forward to forgive myself and detaching myself from him... what people do are none of my business. I cannot control how he feels. All I can do is to forgive and find inner peace. Only then can I channel the love and energy in me to others... to those who appreciates it and can benefit from it.

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