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What have I done?

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Ok, last post I told you about how Ive fallen for a good friend of mine and how he told me me im not "complete" enough for him or whatnot. Well, last night, we were hanging out like normal, cool friends, when we got a little close and things happened. To make the long story short, we've decided to be friends with a little benefits on the side. Knowing that Im not the kind of girl who does these kinda of things, he asked me why am I. I replied saying, "Youre the only one Id do this with because I know you wouldnt get attached." And thats the truth right now. Ive decided to put my emotions behind me and just have fun. Im tired of getting hurt by guys and running off in my emotions only to end up in crying over these fools. But I wonder, Is this me? Should I put my emotions behind me? I just hope this friend of mine hasnt lost respect for me....I feel like a fool now going through with last night. Am I doing the right thing? helllllp please...

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Hi Daydreamer,


I have given your message some deep thought. Usually comments or advice come to me easily, but you have me puzzled here. I try my best to leave out my personal opinion out of replies I send, however I see that it's close to impossible to do this with your message. So here goes. This is my personal opinion.


Daydreamer, I am not sure if it's such a good idea to stay into a friendship like this. You say that you worry over him not respecting you anymore. But what about yourself? Do you respect yourself doing this? The reason why I ask you, is because it looks like that you DO hesitate. Although some other people on here have their opinion, I also know of people that would say: "They have a word for what you do, Daydreamer".


However, one of my rules in life is: "The only obligation YOU have in life, is the obligation for YOU to be happy. If YOU are not happy, YOU cannot make yourself happy!" If this friendship makes you happy the way it is, then I would say go for it.


I wish you good luck


~ SwingFox ~

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"If YOU are not happy, YOU cannot make yourself happy!"


Don't you mean you can make yourself happy? Maybe that is what I am wanting is to just be happy.......I have cried way to much this year. and worried way to much at night..... Am I bad for feeling the way that I do......for wanting to know if there could be someone else who does have time for the love I can give?

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LOL, good thinking Balhatain... actually my head was somewhere not thinking straight.


The rule in life is exactly: "The only obligation YOU have in life is the obligation for YOU to be happy. If YOU are not happy, YOU cannot make someone else happy."


Thank you for the correction


~ SwingFox ~

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