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hmmmm what to do, what to do


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Sorry didnt know where to put this topic so I just put it here. Alright so I like this girl right? well we talk alot on aim but we never have talked at school (im going to start to though). The problem is she just broke up with her first boyfriend a few weeks ago and I still think that its bothering her. Theres like nothing I can really do because she really doesn't want to talk about it. When we talk online though we always have alot to say and she laughs and jokes sometimes. It seems like she likes talking to me but I dunno and plus she already knows I like her (I never said i do, but im pretty sure she knows) I want to get to know her more and stuff and some day ask her out but its kinda hard with this going on. I wanna comfort her and stuff but I know I cant since we dont know each other very well, so I guess i just have to wait for to get over him (which I know takes time). Do I have a chance with her? What should I do? Just wait till she gets over him? How would I know she's ready to date again?

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Iono man i think u should start a regular conversation and get to know her better for awhile.U dont want to be some guy shes gonna date because her bf just broke up with her and shes feeling really lonely maybe so she wants somebody to fall back on.I think u can maybe be a friend at first would be the best thing and maybe comfort her in a friendly way.Not a way that makes her know u like her.U should just let her get this last bf out of her head and then go after her maybe just give her some time but iono ur decision is as good as mine its up too u mang im just trying to give u my point of view hope everything goes well dude and gl!

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