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Saw my ex last night, it was so weird. Help me.


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Ok so I was going out for my best frineds birthday lastnigth and my ex happened to be there. At first I thought it was all a bad idea and that we sghouldn't be seeing each other yet. Well we ended up STUCK in the same car for like 2 hours. Nothing bad happened, just it was very awkward and very tense.


So here is where I am now, I feel we need alot more time apart before we can be around one another as friends. Should I call her and tell her last nigth cannot happen again, that we need time apart for this to work? Or should I just stop talking too her altogether and hope she understands?


My main worry is she will think im ignoring her because im mad that she was there last night, I feel like I should explain things too her.

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if you really want to be friends with her and not lose all contact, then i don't think you should just ignore her and "hope she understands". i know this is a tough situation, but i think you should either try to start talking as friends, or - as you said - if its too awkward maybe you just need more time apart and in that case - tell her. if you want to keep her as a friend, you dont want her thinking you're mad at her. it depends though how long its been since you broke up.. and maybe how serious you guys were when you were actually together. every situation is different, but if i were you, i would just tell her we need more time apart (if thats how you feel and you want to stay friends in the longrun) hope that helps!

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ok so I called her and talked to her. But said she didn't see anything wrong with saturday. I know it wasnt just me that she was uncomfortable as well, she looked miserable. So I asked her why she seemed so upset, she said she just had alot on her mind. Its pretty obvious that my being there was upseting her so why won't she admit this to me?



Anyhow I explained to her that I really want to be able to be friends with her, but to do that we need some time away from each other. I told her not to take it the wrong way, that I wasn't mad at her I just need time away.

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