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how to shave down part


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lol hey i know theres a big post about shaving "down there" lol. honestly...my opinion is just trim it, keep it cut for hygenic reasons (in case anyone else is going to be visiting especially lol). shaving...it can irritate the skin, if you really want to, use a NEW BLADE lots of shaving cream and just on the outside areas, not directly down the center. then theres waxing and such, but personally i think that kind of pain is un necessary for such an area! lol...but thats me, and shaving it does grow back, i wouldnt say more just it does grow back...but when you know its in your interest to look good there then clean it up, and keep it trimmed. hope i helped!

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Ok this is kind of personal, but anyway: I do this for my wife. She likes to be shaved and I like her that way and it turns us both on, so I do it.


What works for us is the Gillette Mach 3 razor and a shave gel (the gels work much better than the foams). The Mach 3 is just real gentle on her skin and we have never had a nick with it.


It's a lot like shaving anything else: Start with a hot washcloth to relax the skin and soften the hair, or take a shower or soak in the tub. Apply the gel very sparingly so that when it foams up you don't have a mess.


The skin there is very delicate; so try and use the razor only once in each area. I like to go against the hair growth pattern; it produces longer lasting results. But if a woman is doing this for herself it might be safer to go the other way.


Another hot cloth afterwards is comforting. (and gives her something to do while I clean up the stuff.)


My wife is a little older and so the hair grows back slower; for her, generally once a week is enough. I do not know how much this varies.


Now like I say, I do this for my wife, which allows me to see much better what I am doing than if she did it for herself. So, if you have a SO you might consider that as an option.


(If you are by any chance wondering, sex afterwards is great.)

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Some people experience a bit of irritation during regrowth especially the first few times the area is shaven so be sure to keep the skin clean and exfoliated to reduce the chance of getting ingrown hairs. Be sure to use a wash cloth or such when washing in the days after you shave and not just your hands and soap.

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Best product EVER: Nair 4 minute bikini lotion in Cucumber Melon! (or cucumber something...) It works SO well. Of course, you have to sit in funny positions to keep the lotion from getting on everything, but it is a great product! No razors... Just the lotion, a wash cloth, water, and about fifteen minutes of your time, total!

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nair products can be AMAZING for some people in some areas, but for some it can burn your skin seriously. like i was using it at first (like when i first started having to care about hair removal) and it was going great. and then one day it caused this burning sensation under the arm and left a red scarry thing for like 2 weeks. now i use the one for right above the lip, sometimes its gr8 other times it causes the skin above the lip to be sore and dry for a day or two. so do a patch test first.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

i'm a gymnast and when we have a comp my stupid retarted coach makes me wear a leotard even though everyone else is in bike shorts..well anyways i have to shave for it and atleast 6/10 hairs become ingrown..my mum wont let me get a hair removal cream or anything..she says they're too expensive..is there anything else i can do to stop from getting ingrown?

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I had that same problems for years. But I've since learned that two things cause ingrown hairs: 1. the way you shave and 2. not exfoliating the skin.


When your shaving try to shave with the direction of the hair. This won't give a really close shave but you can go over it again sideways to get a closer shave. Never shave against the grain. Shaving against the grain will give you ingrown hairs for sure. Shaving against the grain gives a really close shave but actually cuts the hair off below the skin causing it to have to grow back through the skin which can result in ingrown hairs. Also, Shave after you've been in the shower or bath for at least five minutes. The hot water will make the hair softer and easier to shave.


Then be sure to exfoliate the skin in the days after you shave. This will stop the folicles from getting clogged and the hair getting ingrown. You can use a loafah (sp?) or just a wash cloth to scrub the skin. There are also products you can buy that claim to stop ingrown hairs (I've heard of one called bikini zone) but that will cost money and I'm not sure how well they work.


This won't stop all ingrown hairs forever but it should reduce the amount that you get. I admit that even after changing my technique to the above I still get the odd ingrown hair but not nearly as many as I used to.


Hope this helps

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ok first, shaving will make you grow in thicker. so might not be a good idea.


i recommend waxing...or using those new bikini hair remover products. you might have to use it twice it fully remove the hair though, but it works and absolutely painless.


personally i think men should trim or in some way get rid of the hair...so listen up guys. cause it definitely makes it more pleasant. it really, really does.

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  • 3 weeks later...

first few times i waxed down there was VERY PAINFUL, but now i figured out if you are gonna wax down there, waxing it one week after you menstruate and taking panadol at least 20 minutes before HELPS dramatically... last time i did this, i nearly didn't feel any pain... i found it odd but it works for me... and once you wax it, it takes about 6 weeks to wax it again and it feels sooooo smooth... shaving takes about once a week at least... and it is not smooth after a few days...

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