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Weird or Normal?

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I have been trying to get over my ex, i have been trying real hard.

after all the stuff that happened. i am still in love with her.

but here is the weird part... every now and then when i start to believe that its over for the best, and accept and look forward to something and someone new.. the one thought that brings me back to her is the thought of sex..

god how i miss having her in my arms, and waking up next to her.

its horrible knowing i will never ever have that back.... absolutely horrible!

is it weird to miss sex with your ex so damn much?

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Tell me about it

I was dating a woman and every encounter was just a ride to the wild side.

Went onto dating other women but has never ever been the same.

I got hooked to her to some sick levels.And she knows it.

Funny part is that she also cant find a better sex partner.Terrific!

Meeting her again tonight after some months.

If you dont hear from me again,well,you know enough.


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