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Any ideas for Romantic get away

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There are alot of choices.


My suggestion is to look online for a bed and breakfast that is in your area.


You also could take a trip somewhere and find a hotel and get a room.


I would bet that it would not matter where you were as long as the two of you are together. The bed and breakfast is not a bad choice though and there are a lot of them out there.


Hope this helps.



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I would agree with the hotel room idea, but not the bed and breakfast. I went to a bed and breakfast once, and I got too much of a community feeling, not really want I wanted for one on one time with the guy I was seeing. But, it might be something you would like, to each his own.


You should look into hotels that are like a half hour to an hour from where you are. It'll feel like you're on a "getaway" even if you don't go that far. I've done that before, and it was really worthwhile.

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