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Why do you want to? What is happening in your life that is making you want to end your life? It is NOT worth it. NOBODY is worth YOU ending your life. I see you are only 15, believe me, you have SO MUCH more life to live than what is going on now. Whatever you are going through right now, is NOT worth you ending your life. you are SO YOUNG. you need to forget any * * * * * * * who might be making your life miserable and think of YOURSELF and realize YOU are worth living for. NOT THEM.

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Why do you want to? What is happening in your life that is making you want to end your life? It is NOT worth it. NOBODY is worth YOU ending your life. I see you are only 15, believe me, you have SO MUCH more life to live than what is going on now. Whatever you are going through right now, is NOT worth you ending your life. you are SO YOUNG. you need to forget any * * * * * * * who might be making your life miserable and think of YOURSELF and realize YOU are worth living for. NOT THEM.


11 years of the same thing,....it kinda gets stuck to ya brain.

What's making me want to commit suicide? Alot of things. I won't name them all though as i could go on forever.


- the snotty nosed brats at school

- the constant fighting between my mum and I

- the situation with my brother


and so on.

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NONE of those things are worth KILLING yourself over. You are only a child. There is SO MUCH more to life than those ridiculous things. I was bullied in school. So much every day literally felt like hell to me and I every day feared I was going to get beat up. I never got along with my mom or my family. But one day you WILL get out of there and have a better life. Please dont want to end your life because of the crappy situations you are dealing with now. If I could get through it, you can too. Please, feel free to PM me. I hate that you are feeling like this and I will try to help you however I can. Just PLEASE DON'T do anything to yourself.

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NONE of those things are worth KILLING yourself over. You are only a child. There is SO MUCH more to life than those ridiculous things. I was bullied in school. So much every day literally felt like hell to me and I every day feared I was going to get beat up. I never got along with my mom or my family. But one day you WILL get out of there and have a better life. Please dont want to end your life because of the crappy situations you are dealing with now. If I could get through it, you can too. Please, feel free to PM me. I hate that you are feeling like this and I will try to help you however I can. Just PLEASE DON'T do anything to yourself.


Hmm, not doing anything to myself,..bit hard to do when i'm a cutter. speaking of cutting, sounds like a really good thing to do right now.

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Then I've got bad news for ya. Snotty nosed brats exist everywhere. I'm starting to learn that at my work place but with just one guy. But you know what? You learn how to handle it and don't let it affect you. Same goes with at school. You learn how to deal with it, in some way. How do I deal with it? It's funny. Those people are funny. I laugh at them inside cause deep down, I know they're either just as insecure as I am, got no where to turn to and need saving themselves. It's funny and sad.


The constant fighting with your mom, yeah, sounds 'bout right at your age. You're 15.


The situation with your brother... dunno what that is. But you're 15. People grow up and grow out of it as will you.



You're getting bullied aren't you. You know what... being bullied is like wielding a double edged sword. On the one hand, you've got a lot to overcome and it may feel like the weight of the world on your shoulders. On the other hand, if you can overcome bullying and beat it (and you can!) then you're gonna become an incredible person and years from now, maybe you'll find yourself helping someone who's in a position like yours.


edit: just found out what happened with you and your brother. He's a messed up person. I'm sorry for that. But I still stand by what I say, you can become an incredible person and help people out if you can overcome what you have now, and I believe you can.

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Hmm, not doing anything to myself,..bit hard to do when i'm a cutter. speaking of cutting, sounds like a really good thing to do right now.


Been there too. But you know what? You CAN overcome that as well. You just need to grow up and be mature enough to realize you CAN overcome ALL of this. You will one day realize that life is more than just dealing with crappy, hard situations and how to overcome them. You will realize that people might suck and situations might suck, but it doesn't mean you have to let yourself allow them to bring you down. Because then, everything and everybody else wins. You lose. Only YOU can choose what you will allow it to be for yourself.

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Been there too. But you know what? You CAN overcome that as well. You just need to grow up and be mature enough to realize you CAN overcome ALL of this. You will one day realize that life is more than just dealing with crappy, hard situations and how to overcome them. You will realize that people might suck and situations might suck, but it doesn't mean you have to let yourself allow them to bring you down. Because then, everything and everybody else wins. You lose. Only YOU can choose what you will allow it to be for yourself.



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You might feel like the crap things in your life is just way too overwhelming at the moment. I can totally understand.


I just want to tell you that you WILL eventually get through all these problems, and my hindsight, you will smile at the fact that you've made it through.


Don't do something as stupid as killing yourself.


You should see your school counsellor.


I'm from NSW too, and I believe we live in a very very fortunate country.


You can pm if you want to have a chat about your situation.

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You might feel like the crap things in your life is just way too overwhelming at the moment. I can totally understand.


I just want to tell you that you WILL eventually get through all these problems, and my hindsight, you will smile at the fact that you've made it through.


Don't do something as stupid as killing yourself.


I'm from NSW too, and I believe we live in a very very fortunate country.


You can pm if you want to have a chat about your situation.


Killing myself is stupid i know. and it's selfish. and it wouldn't solve my problems, but i get like this. I get all frustrated and then think of suicide. I almost did do it a few days ago. But i didn't for the sake of everyone else.

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Killing myself is stupid i know. and it's selfish. and it wouldn't solve my problems, but i get like this. I get all frustrated and then think of suicide. I almost did do it a few days ago. But i didn't for the sake of everyone else.


I understand.


From now on, every time you start thinking of suicide, stop your thoughts for a moment and actively remind yourself to not think about it.


All it takes is a few moments of clouded thinking for something tragic to happen.


You WILL get through this. Everyone has hurdles in their life. I've had many.


Keep us updated.

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I have been through the same phase when I was a teenager.Yes,you get frustrated and everything around you seem awful.But you will see that its just not worth it. Try to be better than those snobby people around you.Make them feel that you are way better than them.






“When it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I’m already better than them.”

- Marilyn Monroe

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I still stand by my point but I could definitely have worded it in a better manner and for that I apologize.


I think I know what you where getting at Mik ..and of course we all have freedom of speech ...


problem with depression and that side of life is it one of those things where all the starving kids in the world and

other horror stories just don;t make an imprint on you when your so low. Yes it should ..it should jolt anyone

into been appreciative of life and what we have ...it just doesn't have an affect though ..which kind of shows how low

a person can get .


for me as well when someone is looking for attention I always ask myself why ? It is just another symptom of the root of it all.

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