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We never became official bf gf but we dated. We talked for a month. She seperated with me. I fought to get her back didnt work. But says she wants to be just friends. After a couple times of me talking to her and her randomly not responding i went 12 days of no contact with her. Last sunday was the 12h day and i decided to text her and see how shes doing. We talked pretty good, and then she randomly didnt respond back again. So after 2 hours of no response i told her "goodluck tomorrow at try outs, dueces". Then decided im never gonna text her again and deleted her number.


Last monday she told my bestfriends girlfriend that i texted her and that she "FELL ASLEEP" (i dont believe) at 7:30, thats why she didnt text me back. I believe she is lying. Later that day at the end of the day HER bestfriend was at her boyfriends locker and she said "hi (my name)" and i said hey and about 20 steps later to my left is the girl i like saying "hey". So idk whats up with that? lol please help. another side note is i have NEVER talked to her bestfriend before and i find it weird she said hi. Plus the girl hasnt said anything to me in 2 weeks in personand she said hi today... soooooo yeah whats going on here? thanks and whats up with them saying hi???


I havent talked to her since last sunday. still dont have her number anymore. so yeah whats up? am i doing the right thing


(the reason we seperated was, she said the 100% reason, was because her dads gay and trusted me not to tell anyone and she never told anyone about it before. then a week after she told me, when i was out of the room, she asked what i was doing and my friend replied having gay s3x and since then she ended us)


so yea

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She sounds like an idiot if she for real 100% ended things with you because of a remark your friend made. Thats really immature, but idk how old you guys are. But since she said she would like to be friends, i dont see what the big deal is that she said hi to you...your thinking too much into it. Its also quite possible that she didn't answer your text because she fell asleep. I mean, people fall asleep, you know? Why would she lie. Anyways, im not sure what you are asking here. Sounds like you tried to fight for her back and it didn't work. So if you can't handle just being friends with her you should just try to get over her and move on.

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She sounds like an idiot if she for real 100% ended things with you because of a remark your friend made. Thats really immature, but idk how old you guys are. But since she said she would like to be friends, i dont see what the big deal is that she said hi to you...your thinking too much into it. Its also quite possible that she didn't answer your text because she fell asleep. I mean, people fall asleep, you know? Why would she lie. Anyways, im not sure what you are asking here. Sounds like you tried to fight for her back and it didn't work. So if you can't handle just being friends with her you should just try to get over her and move on.


im 17 shes 16

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Definitely do not make another move. This girl is young and so are you. Perhaps she's getting a kick out of 'stirring the pot' of your emotions. She likely knows that saying "hi" to you will make you question it from a million angles (as you seem to be).


Be the bigger man and don't contact her, don't worry about what she says... talk is cheap. She must ACT interested by showing you that she wants to catch up, hang out, etc.


You guys are both really young and are trying to figure out yourselves at the same time you're trying to figure out the opposite sex. Hang in there.. do your own thing and if this girl matures enough to want to pursue you, then let it be. Either way, move on!


Good luck

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