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Was doing so fine.... then text text text!

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Things were going along just fine for me. Ex and I borke up nearly three months ago and in that time I have really looked after myself and focussed on me... and in the process have come so far! Have basically been NC apart from the odd and very short correspondence re forwarding mail etc (she used to live with me)


Well last night I went to the theatre with a girl (date) and before that I sent the ex a text asking if she could look for some tickets that I have been frantically trying to find... anyway she texts back saying she cant find them! I am obviously thinking where could they be as they cost £70 each. Anyway, I send one back saying thanks bla bla bla.... she repsonds and then I do, and then she does, and then i do, and then she does....


Now we have been in the NC (she wanted nothing to do with me) and all of a sudden I get caught up in this communication. Might not sound like much but it has thrown me a bit.... she is obviously ok with the contact one would think!


How can she change from being so strong with 'I dont want to have anything to do with you for a long time' (3 months ago) to seemingly being ok! I thought I was ok and even the other week suggested we could have a coffee at some time but she wasnt ready to do so!


I dont know - just feel a bit thrown right now!


Thats Life!

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Ai, Sadboy, life can be tough sometimes. You guys broke up, and even if she never ever want to see you again, it still must be hard for her too. For women being in a relationship is an emotional thing (I know for guys too, but specially for us). So she might have been mad, and still is, most probably, but one tend to feel better after awhile, and (can't help but) wonder what the other person is doing.


Keep improving yourself, and focus on you! Don't get thrown by this. It means nothing.


I once went on a first date with a guy, who had broken up with his ex 4 months earlier, and through the first hour of our dinner, he received 9 text messages, and sent 5!. Eventually I just gave him a look and told him to stop playing "the game" She wanted him back, and he apparently did not want her back, but could not resist answering the messages.


I eventually 2 x months later had to tell him to stop, or she never will. He stopped, it took her another 4 x months and a phonecall from me to stop. It's adictive. And very hard to let go.


You owe it to yourself to not get caught up in "the game"!!


Good luck! Be strong!

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