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got dumped after 11 years now 6months later her mother text me help!!!


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Well i got dumped after a 11 year relationship, i was her first and only boyfriend, we were very happy for years, but routine, the lack of phisical attration from her in the end and so many time together the relationship took a saturation course


it was really hard on me, the first 3 months i could not do nothing, lost 10kg, (65kg to 55kg) tired of people saying im so thin including her when i bump into her, well from day 1 i decide to go NC, but she broke time to time, even when i asked to leave me alone, then i begun to heal, and then some months later it doesnt hurt so much, still think of her daily but its different now, the agony is gone. still miss her a lot, but learned to be alone again.


couple of weeks ago, she phoned and asked me politely if i could fix her iphone, if not, no problem.

Since i was the one who sold it for a symbolic price at the time i felt the need to fix it since i sold it, fix it we chated a bit, felt good had a good chat, but that was it.


then 2 weeks later out of the blue her mother text me, saying she found a diary shes been writing since we broke up, and she read she still likes me and that i should invite her to something, to see if we can get close again, i understand her mother, she always liked me and threated me like a son, she was great.


since i had that info i got confused and started to think about it again my ex always told me that she was certain of her decision to broke up, and now her mother tells me that she still likes me...


what should i do... i dont want to get rejected again that would leave me on my knees again

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what should i do... i dont want to get rejected again that would leave me on my knees again




Do you really want to be with someone who can't communicate with you what they want? She broke up with you, it should be up to her to say she wants to give things another chance. She probably was looking forward to the single life but then didn't meet all of the great guys she assumed she would meet. I would leave her to meet new people and date others personally.

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Well, your ex is a grown-up girl, she need not her mom to do matchmaking for her. If your ex wants you back, she has to tell you this face-to-face. In the mean time, you'd better move on and build a new life, without expectations of reconciliation with your ex. Hope is a source of pain and wishful thinking. Good luck, man.

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My BU is like yours in some aspects.


I wouldnt respond anything. Not a chance.


Forget about her mother reaching out. Where is your ex? Why is she not doing the reaching? Her actions speak clearly.


Dont expose yourself to a new portion of hurt or at the least a significant step backward in your healing.


Either shes trying to reach out through her mother which for me is a real imature move or her mother is not happy with your exs state and wants you to fix it which is also not good for you and ultimately thats all that matters now. Your well being.

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