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About to declare life over.....

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Hey everyone I'm new to these but I'm SSSOOO glad I found it. I have had this problem for a while but now its unbearable.... sorry to sound sick of whatever but - Im 15 male - and I'm just ... hairry. I cant stand it! Its on my arms, legs, chest, shoulders , back ...... it is so DEPRESSING , ive came close to just ending it all several times....


Its causing problems with EVERYTHING - today my best friend even got mad at me and he said "i dont know whats up with you... you've changed" and now we're fighting. I cant take this anymore - but I don't know how to get rid of it. I talked to my mom about it and she just laughed at me and made funny remarks about it.


When my friend would ask me to go to the pool or the lake or something with him - I wouldn't go I'd just miss out on everything I really want to do... this has been for the last 4 years. (every year up to this year it was cause of a sun rash but now its the hair) Every summer i sit at home depressed because i had to "make up an excuse" to why i couldnt go to the pool with my friends or whatever. Then in gym we dress out and play shirts and skins and all that.... I dont do it.... and then i see noone else with that problem and it just hurts me worse.


Please.... someone help.... i just turned 15 what should I do? any ideas? im tired of not living my life to the fullest - im losing all of my friends and girls... i used to be so popular....

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Man your 15 you don't need to be thinking about killing yourself..what exactly is your problem so you have a lot of hair..you know there are alot of girls out there who like that they see it as a more masculine thing or whatever..but if its so bad have you considered getting your parents to take you to a doctor?


Don't let something like this bring you down there are probably a lot of guys out there who wouldn't mind havin as much hair as you do ..


But plz don't think about killing yourself it serves no purpose you don't know how much life has to offer you your only 15 and you've got your whole life ahead of you...

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Help is on the way! This is a simple problem to resolve: electrolysis or waxing will get rid of the hair. You will have to continue treatments sporadically, but hundreds of thousands of men (and women!) do this!!


Listen, just be grateful that this isn't a problem you can't do anything about. If you need money to get it done, get a part-time job. I am sorry your mother didn't take your distress over this more seriously, but she was probably trying to cheer you up in a misguided way. You might want to sit down and have a serious talk with her. Tell her this is something that is literally changing your attitude and outlook on things, and you really need not just her support, but for her to take seriously that this issue bothers you to an extreme extent.


Perhaps she'll help pay for treatments, but if she doesn't - get a job. This is actually a solveable problem. I dated a guy once who was extremely attractive - and he told me he did both waxing and electrolysis from time to time. I never would have guessed it, nor did I care.

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hi there d.t.


now, the first thing is that hair in men varies SOOO much. there are some men with almost no body hair, and then there are men with loads. there is curly hair, straight hair, blond, black, red... so, the first thing is that all men have hairy bodies (some women too ). second, a lot of guys think they have loads of hair and are really insecure about it. my ex was convinced he should have been an extra in planet of the apes, but to me he looked quite normal. anyhow, the other thing is that women like a whole range of body types and hair amounts. a very good friend of mine loves really skinny, pale guys with almost no body hair, while another one likes guys that are REALLY hairy because she thinks they're more manly. so if you're worried about the attractiveness factor, women are attracted to so many different things, just like guys are... now, if it still REALLY bothers you, there are a lot of things you can do about it nowadays. some, more expensive than others. there are a lot of men that shave their legs (mainly bikers, but anyhow).. i know several guys who wax (back and chest), others that use stuff like nair, and then the other option is laser hair removal. it's pricier, and you need to make sure you find a reputable one so they don't scar you, but the results last a long time, and over many treatments, the hair actually thins out. i don't know if that helped at all, but i hope it gave you some options. it's certainly not something that you should let prevent you from doing activities that you'd otherwise enjoy. take care

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Waxing is probably the best way to go if it really bothers you that much.

I have done the waxing before and it give really good results but then I found a woman that really loved hair on men, so I stopped doing it. So don't let it get to you because you can take care of it very easily and lots of women really like it.

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Yeah dude Be proud. I have been having some problems with hair myself. Everytime I used to dress out for P.E. or soccer w/e I used to get made fun off my hairy legs. I NEVER shaved it. I still have them as usuall. I think that that comes with maturit and change. Your body is changing just like everyone else. Be happy dude. You may have too much hair today... but they may have none in the future.

If they bother you just tell them what I mostly do. Just tell them that you are a man and thats why you have hair. And that if someone does not have hair like they should, is because they are not man and have a long way ahead to become one.

Take care and... end of life in not worth it. Just follow what the other people say. That CAN be fixed

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Don't sweat the hair. I'm 29 and I'm practically HAIRLESS. It's embarrassing for me to be so slick. My wife laughs at me cuz I barely have any chest hair...and it's barely growing in!! I can't grow a beard or goatee or anything cool like that, my arms and legs have hair, but that's about it.


Shoot...be PROUD to have hair. Some girls love it! Especially Hispanic chicas! But, if it's too much for now...just wax it. I know hairy guys who shave with electric hair clippers just to keep the hair in strategic areas, but then wax the rest.


Don't be ashamed or embarrassed! You're a man! Men are hairy.

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haha - thanks guys.... i really needed some people to share that with me , i feel SSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOO much better you have no idea - i cant remember a time I felt this good. I mean... im not really as hairry as i think but im just not comfortable with it at this age. How much would you say waxing is? my mom is a cosmetician anyways..... (thats why i thought shed understand when i told her lol)

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Lazer hair removal is a lot easier and cheaper than a funeral....


Go to your local dermatologist and see how much it would cost.


I myself am a beautiful woman who is 5'4 and 135 lbs. I had lazer hair removal because I had these awful sideburns I had to wax....hitruisim it's called I had it because I was insulin resistant (now I'm not but thats an Atkins story...me and 40 something lbs later...anyhow)


Dont fret so much......You can do things about this stuff these days. You might get on an antidepressant too. Suicide over a lot of hair seems high drama to me....(not to be trite or anything...I just think it might help in your situation)

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