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Everyone Its Me I Haven't Wrote Anything In Awhile ......

First Off I Want To Thank Everyone Who Read My Post And Helped Me Out........Ok So Heres The Situation Im Kinda Talkin To This Girl Alot Who I Really Like.....Now We Have Been Talkin For Like A Yr Or So..... ok so she hung out witth like me and all my friends when i was back with my ex ......now we talked on the phone alot and i told her what was going on she was a good friend........so one night while i was still with my ex but having problems we went out and we talked like all night and at the end of the night we hooked up....no i know i shouldnt of but like the moment was there and it was quick..know she didnt back away and actually i did and then she kissed me again.....so anyway we talked after that we hung out a few times and still talked....so know i know she kinda likes me but im with my ex at the time but when i was with her she made me feel really good and i had a good time with her...but i didnt want to ruin what i went back to with my ex cause we have kids and i really wasnt sure what i wanted.. everytime me and this girl hung out she had a great time and she made me feel good while my ex treated me like crap....so anyway as u all now from my post me and my ex are done and i will never ever go back to her....now me and this have been talking and hanging out alot latley....but know its weird cause when we hang out we have a great time she says she enjoys hangin out with me and i know she likes me we went away for the weekend to go see a ball game and she said she had a great time.....and everytime we hang out she is always smiling laughing and having fun and i enjoy being with her...so i really dont know what too i like her and i could def be with her and i think she likes me but i think she is a little skeptical cause she thinks i might go back with my ex she told me this i told her never....and plus the fact that i have kids and all i dont know if she is ready for all that..so please give advice on what to say to her or what to do to show her that i want to be with her more then a friend.....

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Dear LEOML87:


This girl and you are friends, you have taking further than friendship at least once and you have a blast together. So, what are you afraid of?


Talk to her. Find out how she feels, reassure her that the past is the past and you're not going back. It may talk some time for her to feel secure that you aren't getting back with your ex.


If she really cares about you than she'll know you are a package deal. I have kids too and it has never been a problem when it comes to dating. I make it very clear from the beginning that my kids come first and any guy who can't understand that doesn't get a chance. I don't see you're kids as being a problem but I do think that she may have a problem with your ex. Talk it out and good luck.



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Hi there,

Things sound like they are going very well for you now. I think that if this girl does not say anything about your kids being a problem with her then it's safe to say she does not consider it a problem. She already knows you have a family and she is still with you.. so you can relax about that.


I think that as long as you tell her and show her that you are committed to a serious relationship with her then she will eventually feel secure that you are finally over your ex.


I wish you the best.

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