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Am I one of only a few who hasn't cheated?????


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When I was in high school, and now in college, I have never ever cheated once, plagarized once, or copied someone's homework. I never did these things because I am assumed that virtually everyone else didn't cheat either. BUt now more and more I am hearing about people cheating and plagarizing, and people say that everybody (or almost everybody) does it some time or another. Is this true?? I don't know... my confidence in the honestly of human kind is diminishing?? Am i the only non cheater??

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Drahcir, I never cheated either. It would have made me feel so guilty! I say, hang onto your integrity. Once you violate it, it can be a slippery slope.


I know the flaws of humankind can be rather discouraging. But buck up; there are others out there who do as you do. Plus, you can feel great about yourself for not resorting to cheating!

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lol, maybe its just my generation, but every last one of us, at least in my highschool cheated at one time or another. Most did it daily whether it was get an answer to homework or cheat on a test. Even the smartest, best moral students cheated from time to time. I saw on some news show like 65% of students have admitted to cheating at least once and everyone at my school knew that they were lying and A LOT more than that had cheated. Even with the 65% of students the adults were "shocked" and "amazed".

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I don't judge people who cheat. Its just that it bothers me that if people learn to cheat on thier homework, then they learn to cheat on thier boyfriend / girlfriend, then thier spouse, and then everything goes downhill!!!!!! I wonder if there is any relationship between cheating in high school and cheating in marriage??? Maybe there isn't because there are different things. But i don't know. I just don't want to cheat my future wife. Cheating in high school isn't too bad, but it can lead to things that are much worse. Thats what scares me.

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