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Okay I think I am a fool or I am confused.


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Let me start with the background. I was with my wife for 8 years we separated last year for 6 months and then got back together. We then moved to Hawaii. I started playing a stupid online game and neglected her so she left me again. 7 months later I have tried my a@@ off to get her back I realise now that she is the one I love. Our relationship has never been spectacular only good. Well 3 weeks ago she takes home a 24 year old (she is 42) and sleeps with him last week she takes home a 28 year old and sleeps with him. And I know she is looking at some more guys. I am 37 I lost over 100 pounds to get to being attractive again for her.


I am giving her although sometimes I push it. I am trying to just give her unconditional love but it is not easy. Now that is the background.


We have talked about Divorce but she does not want it yet. So she has gone on this free site called myspace and she is using it to "Network" Well I decided to join as well. Well she has pulled some of her guy friends from there and so I decided whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Well she gets pissed. Says that she is disconnected me as her friend on MySpace and does not want me there. She says that if she looks at my profile it will make her jealous. So Now I am confused. You don't want me... but if girls are interested in me and I date it makes her jealous. I am like so confused. Is this a I don't want you but no one else can have you thing? I want to start dating and moving on but it is hard when I klnow this bothers her and I still want to try to hang on.


-Beingtrue67 in Hawaii.

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Wow, she sounds INCREDIBLY selfish. She wants her cake, she wants to eat it too, AND she doesn't want to share it with anyone else.


How did you get in the situation where it is okay for her to go out with and sleep with other guys, and let her tell you anything about who you should or should not be talking to. Man up and tell her that if she wants other people you are damn well going to get other women. Never let a woman walk over you like that or they will never stop. Nip this one NOW.



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