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my bf is getting to jealous about my ex's talking to me

baby boo

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k heres my probulm i talk to two of my ex boyfriends in a friend way and i dont understand why my current boyfriend gets so bent out of shape about it i could understand on one asepect that on ex is telling me he misses me but othre then that i dont get it it's not like i have feelings for them any more and he knows that but he blowes a hissey fit every day infact thats all he had beeen talking about the last three days non stop i am so confused i dont know what to do cause he brings it up all the time but in my eyes they are just my friends but to him they are trying to be more to me but i dont want to block these 2 guys out of my life cause they are my friends but thats what he wants he wants them gone ..... and the funny thing is the 2 ax's line 4 hours away from me !!!!!

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Maybe you should just ask him why he gets upset? If it is early in your relationshup then he might be getting scared that the two ex-bf's could bring back emotions you once had -- good or bad. I wouldn't like it either when my ex-gf would talk about past relationships or seeing guys she knew from high school. Unless you have a secure relationship with your bf, he is probably going to feel insecure about your post relationships and having the guys try to move in on you. Try to keep your chats with your ex's on the minimum until he gets used to it and knows you aren't going to leave him.

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Hey baby boo,


Always put YOURSELF in others shoes. How would you like it, if your boyfriend kept on taking about Lisa, or a Kathryn or a Jenny? (all being his Exs??) It would hurt you somewhere. You would be jealous alright?


So on this one, I am fully with your ex. He loves you, so be HAPPY that he is jealous. The last thing you want is an indifferent boyfriend.

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Hey baby boo,


Always put YOURSELF in others shoes. How would you like it, if your boyfriend kept on taking about Lisa, or a Kathryn or a Jenny? (all being his Exs??) It would hurt you somewhere. You would be jealous alright?


So on this one, I am fully with your ex. He loves you, so be HAPPY that he is jealous. The last thing you want is an indifferent boyfriend.

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ya i dont know well they do live 4 hours away so it's not like i see or talk to them all the time so what i dont get is why we have lil tiffs about it all the time. i think the only way around it so that we dont breakup is to have nc with my ex's but that dosnt make me happy but it will him.

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I don't see the problem with you being friends with your exes. I think your bf is overreacting. He is showing you that he doesn't trust you. you should explain to him that you like him and only him and that he needs to be able to deal with that and respect the fact that you are friends with your exes (which, in my opinion, is perfectly healthy).

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Most things that I've read says that it is none of his business. He should trust his love for you. His jealously at says that he's not confident in his love for you or that he doesn't trust you to deal with your ex's. Subconsiously, his worrying is just making you wonder if there's something he should be worried about (maybe you'd be better off with your ex).


But puting myself in his shoes I can sorta see why he feels the way he does. But he should trust you enough to deal with this yourself. If I was in his shoes I would sit you down and say, "I love you, and I trust you enough to keep just a friendship with your ex (and put him in his place if it comes to that) but you owe it to me to tell me if you want to be with him instead of me, it would be a horrible thing if you just dragged me along."


He definitely doesn't have the right to ask you to stop talking to them, and it's ok for him to get upset about this, but I wonder:


Would you breakup for something like this (breakup to keep talking to your exs)? Would he breakup if you did? Answer that question and I bet it would show how deep your feelings for each other go.

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  • 1 year later...

this is coming from a guy who is with a girl who talks to an ex as a friend, dude who the * * * * hangs out with a chick unless u want something its clear as day and guys get pist cause they can c that, theres billions of other people to talk to and be friends with other than ur ex, u ladies need to decide between ur "friends" (which ull find out are not ur friends) or ur BF cause its pretty easy to find someone who wont do stupid * * * * like that, so remember that when he * * * *s ur best friend in ur bed

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