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help me please

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You didn't provide too much info about the situation, but if I had to guess based on what you said, I would say that she probably had somewhat of a crush on you and maybe realized that you weren't interested if she wasn't getting any signals so she backed off. I was in a similar situation once where I was friends with a guy I had a big crush on, but my intentions were to go out with him, not just remain friends, so once I realized that he had girlfriend, I just kinda drew away. There are tons of possibilities of what's actually happening, so maybe if your provide more information, I could have a better understanding of the situaiton.

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Well, are you interested in her romantically or would you like to continue being just friends with her? Either way, you're not going to be able to "fix" the situation without talking to her. You can speculate about why she doesn't talk to you anymore, but you won't know for sure what's going on unless you ask her what's up. Once she gives you a reason (and it could be something very simple like she suddenly got very busy), you can deal with it from there. If it turns out that she's romantically interested, and if you are too, then it'll work out great. If the problem is something else, then you decide what to do whn the time comes.

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