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Am I Getting Anywhere?


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Been about 4 months since break up. She got rid of me after admitting she had feelings for her co-worker. Also gave me the whole "you weren't affectionate", "you never loved me", "took me for granted", etc.


So I hung around like an idiot and tried to prove that I did care, but all that led to was embarrassment and pain as she continued to hook up with this other guy.


Now I'm in full-on ignore mode. I just ran into her at a coffee shop and was very brief and curt, got the hell out of there as fast as possible. That's when the texting started, I've ignored all of them. Here they are:


Her: U don't have to bolt like that - i thought we were going to try and be civil


Her: Anyway I didn't get the chance to tell u that i haven't received anything in the mail yet


Her: That's why I was texting you the last time


Her: Do you want me to stop bothering you?



All of these were in the past hour, lol. Should I continue to ignore? Ideas, suggestions?

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