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Why do u be nice and sometimes i dont get why im hurt a lot?

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Whats ur reason for being nice some of u peopel that r just like me?For me i just love to be nice too people and i get enjoyment out of people liking how i treat them nicely because its the right thing to do.But im always hurt so much by other people it just does not justify the reason to be nice.



Its like i be nice as hell yet im always the one that is hurt out of people and they go around all great and stuff like the jerks and stuff.Do u guys have the same feeling?its like we get treated and put down in a way we dont really truly deserve.



Yet i never change my mind and i just keep being nice too people every day that goes by.Everything is just so backwards in life and it does not make sense.Do u guys truly believe that mean people end up getting what they deserve? Cause it doesnt always seem that way.



Its like i mean why dont even girls give nice guys a chance i mean they r nice for one good point so why not see how they act and how their personality is?I mean they just look over us like we r not even there and this i never really get but yet when some guys r an arogant (PROFANITY DELETED BY MODERATOR) o they will go for him right away.I mean just some girls i like that like the ones at my high school.



I mena u would think that if u were nice girls might like that and they would actually give u a chance but o well it doesnt even matter.Its jsut somethign like u always look back and think when im such a nice person and i get treated the way i do why do i it just does not make sense but o well.Like hback to the one point i liek to ask why do u guys like being nice is it the same reason i have because it makes me feel good and i enjoy it?

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I understand where you are coming from. Here's what's best (in my opinion, for whatever that's worth) for you:


Don't worry about it. Define, in your mind, and in your heart, who you are. the rest will fall into place. Don't let them get you down. You are you, and that's what counts. Decide the kind of person you want to be, this is something you have to do everyday, and make effort to be that way. Don't fall to easily. Life is tough, but it makes you tough...it's meant to be that way, rather sooner than later...it sucks when it's like this, but there's better roads ahead, and when you get there, you'll be driving like Mario Andretti...(no i'm not a racing fan) in your supped up car, and everyone else will be driving their beat up civics...heheh....that is...everyone but me....


Cause I've been there too...




I know that sounds like crap...but read it and think about it...I've been there, and done what i've said...and I'm loving life now.

*even the bad isn't so bad.

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