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Stretch Marks and Overwieght

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I am about 6'3 and weigh about 240. I have stretchmarks on my stomach and shoulders. If i lose weight will they go away or will they always be there? Can someone explain what is the best thing I can do to get rid of these/lose weight? I am thinking of getting down to 200 pounds. My dad has told me if I stop eating fast food and junk food, I will lose all that weight in about 3-5 months, even if I don't exercise. Is this true?

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weight loosing is a commitment that you have to stick with.... take me for example. im about 6 foot and i was around 235 at the begingin of summer..... i decided to change my body by working out and eating healthy.... I stoped eating unhealthy food, and went to the gym almost everyday for the summer, now im down to 195, and getting pretty ripped.


so my advise for you is to stop with the fast food and and big meals..... try to have 4 - 5 small meals everyday instead of 3 big meals.... and keep an eye on the carbs.... too much of that is no good either....... and go to the gym and do cardio..... start out slow, lets say like a mile on the tredmill or eliptcal. and work ur way up. Now I run about 4 miles a day.......


good luck

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well my friend u are in luck i myself am about 6'3 and about 5 months ago i weighted 250 i am now down to 220... i did it thought atkins mainly and semi working out but not much. the stretch marks do fade but they still remain. i am not sure if they will ever fully go away or just fade with time. i have heard about surgery but that is not for me right now i would rather save my money. i hope this was use gl

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Stretch marks fade, but never completely go away. There is a procedure called a blue light laser that makes the stretch marks paper thin, but they will still always be there.


Stretch marks are caused by gaining too much weight too quickly. They are nature's way of telling us that we weren't meant to be fat!! Working out and losing weight are the best thing to do to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.


You're on the right track!

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If you lose the weight u want to lose The stretch marks will still be there but not be as noticeable...Cocoa Butter helps..Lotion or oil


Dont be so worried what you look like its how u Put ur self out to be is how ppl will see u


Remember Looks fade and Everyone loses their looks once u get older...


Good Luck I hope i helped...

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honestly im 5'6, 110 lbs and i hav stretch marks, apparently just from puberty, and i doubt they'll ever go away. honestly i think it depends on your skin. i have skin that holds the tiniest scar for years. so if your skin generally doesnt scar or keep marks then its fine. also, theres this thing im using that helps, and its not expensive, cocco butter. its really good, especially if you can prevent stretch marks in the first place. but honestly if you want to make your body healthy and look even better, then i woudnt worry about stretch marks, honestly WHO NOTICES? the shoulders ill admit is not the best place to have them you'll probably feel a little conscious at first, but when you see how good that shirt looks those tiny little lines will mean nothing. good luck!

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Stretch marks only fade with time, they dont disappear completely. I've been doing weights for 5 years and so i have some under my armpits. They have only faded with time, but are still noticeable. In the future they may release some spray skin stuff which can heal scars (stretch marks as well i assume) by covering them over with new skin. I read about it in a sport mag in 2000.

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