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Time Apart?


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I have been dating a guy for about 6 months. He decided that we need a break from each other and that he would call me when he is ready. We have been friends for years before all of this and always got along. But recently all we do is argue with one another. His ex has been pushing her way back into his life and is making him feel terrible. She said that she hates him for being with me even though she broke up with him and that happened well before we got together. There are many things that bother the both of us. Not to mention we are so much alike. You would think it would be a good thing and it is but when we argue it makes us clash even more. I guess we see the things we dont like about ourselfes in each other so we clash at times.


He doesn't want to see me and that bothers me. I feel like I will never get to see him again. I honestly feel like I might be in love with him and I want to work things out. But I'm afraid that this way of dealing with it is just pushing the problems to the back burner and they will be there boiling away in the background. He said that maybe after all of this I will notice that he does care for me and that he does things for me and tries to be there. I don't get it at all. I'm just wondering if anyone has ever done this kind of thing before and if it could work or not. or even if it's somewhat of a good idea. Or if he really is just a jerk and I should go on with life. And how do I do that. This is all so hard and I don't know what to think about it or how to feel. There are so many thoughts and questions so if someone could just give me their opinion that would be awsome.



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I can remember the last time I was told that "we need some time apart", he was seeing someone else and didn't have the guts to tell me. by the time he thinks up the gutting line to feed you along with some sappy junk about "helping us grow", he's already got another mare that he's lookin to tame. Don't allow yourself to be broken, don't wait by the phone, live life to the fullest, if he wants to tip toe through someone else's rose garden, let him, but when he comes back to you cause she blew him off, tell him to go wipe his feet off at the door, and stay there. Make yourself happy, with or without him.

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DoorMouse is right Max, sorry to say. After dating for only six months, he needs 'a break'? That doesn't look or sound very good at all, especially if his ex-girlfriend is still in the picture.


Did you start arguing mainly when the ex came back into the picture? You've said that she broke up with him - do you know why? Also, was he really messed up about it?


There's a good chance that he "needs a break" from you so that he can spend time with his ex-girlfriend. I know this sounds awful and probably hurts, but it seems to be the case. However, you haven't given much information about the ex and how their relationship ended.


Sometimes breaks in relationships are needed - despite what everyone here will tell you. I had to take a bit of a break from my current boyfriend (about a 2 month break). If I wouldn't have taken that break from him, I don't think we would still be together. At the time that we took "a break", I moved about 2000 kilometers away to be with my family and we still spoke and considered ourselves to be "a couple" though. I was still very much in love with him but was overwhelmed with other things and needed to get away.


So I guess what I'm saying here, is that sometimes breaks are a good thing, and sometimes their not. It just depends on the situation and the people involved.

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Take a break, distance, slow down, all synonyms for "I want out to see other people." Let him get it out of his system. He'll be back. I went through the same thing with a girl 2 months ago. Said she wanted to fall in love with me etc, spent great weekend and everything seemed fine. Then she broke it of. Now she is seeing someone else. But given her situation I figure that she will be back around. Hell I might even go look her up again in the didstand future but I aint waiting on her. They all come back remember that. I'm 33 and haven't had on GF that didn't come back yet. See no reason the pattern will change. Tell him to get bent when he does, Thats what I planb to do if the last one comes sniffing around.

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