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OMG it Finally Happend


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Right now this has officaly become my worst day of my life EVVVVVVVER!!!


after a 20 months of my life me and siobhan have finally finished!


i feel so sick like in the pit of my stomach. you know she was perfect. and over the last month i felt like we been growing apart because we started working etc. but arhh. i always imagined what i would feel like when we were over, and latly i thought i wouldnt be botherd. but omg its the worst feeling EVER and she wants to be friends still, i cant do it


meh aint gonna bore you anymore. thanks for reading if you do

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I know it is tough............


It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone -- but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.


Remember that. We learn from everything that happens to us in our lives! Really.......... just remember the love you had for her and move on to other parts of your life that is waiting for you to experience!

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