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Hi lord_macnaughton:


I think its because these teens that label someone like that are obviously immature..I'm 20 years old now and I've nvr dated or had a gf yet..Don't know what I'm doing wrong to be like that..


Don't listen to what those kids think..unless you know them real well I bet their in the same boat as you are but pick on others to hide it so they look like they are better than you when in reality their on the same level as you are..


Hope that helps some

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people sometimes called me gay because of my music taste and such.. but i was acutally the first of my friends to have a girlfriend for a longer period... only had this 1 relationship at the age of 20.. but still if u want some ideas on how to get the girls at you.. then pm me.. or read my last post... its all about acting sweet and being nice around girls and herby they spread the rumours to others and such... its all in your person.. be against others as u want them to be against ur self.. sweet is the key to the girls hearts... beside looks and such.. its the thing they want...

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labling people is wrong. people often believe that if one is not able to aquire a girlfriend they must either not want a girlfriend or actually want a boyfriend. i dont think immaturity has anything to do with it, homophobia is ignorance and fear not immaturity. then there are thos lovely*sarcastic* people called hypocrites who say that they dont care and then they find out and totally freak out about it. im 15 i have had girlfriends, i have had boyfriends the funny thing is people think my friend who is completely strait is gay and yet they think i am strait and i am bi, so i disagree that it is immaturity, it is ignorance and fear

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Because people are dumb. Just don't listen to what they say. I don't have a boyfriend and I hang out with my best friend Crystal all the time and we went out ONCE and I'm a lesbian now...*rolls eyes* But I'm in love with a guy. People are dumb. Maybe immature, or their self esteem is so low that they put others down to make themselves feel better. Don't listen to them, I'm sure you are a great guy. If you ever need to talk, I'm here.



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