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The sex was amazing too...


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Another thing that I just thought about (well I didn't just think about it, I just REALLY started thinking about it) was the sex with him was absolutely amazing. It's hard to believe he was a virgin when I met him. But I know for a fact he was. And it wasn't b/c he was just good at what he did. It was the way he made me feel when we were "intimate" with each other. He was the only person I'd ever been with that I could make eye contact with when we were "together". He just had this way of making me feel inferior (I'm somewhat submissive, so I liked that little feeling of inferiority) yet my pleasure mattered at the same time. And I felt so much love. I just had this connection with and feeling for him that I didn't think I could ever experience. It was the stuff fairy tales and romance novels are made of. lol. It was a feeling that seems like it can only come once in a lifetime. Now that I've had it I don't want to lose it forever. I don't think it's possible for anyone to make me feel the way that he did. Can anyone else relate to this problem? Has anyone ever thought they could never feel the same way again (about this issue in particular) but was later proven wrong?

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Just to expand on Michael2's comments - he is right. Women hit their sexual peak in their late twenties/early thirties. The sex does get better. And you will have other partners. You will find love again. And when you do, the intimacy will be fabulous.


I'm not sure what to say about the whole inferior part. Do you mean he made you feel dominated? It sounds like you are talking about it in a good way so if thats what you are into its fine. It just rang an alarm bell because usually if someone makes you feel inferior it is a negative part of the relationship.

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I agree,


my first sexual partner was way better in bed than my recent ex.


In fact sex was difficult in general with my recent ex.


But i still want her back,because we truly made love,it was more amazing than anything with that other girl.


Sex is sex. It can NEVER compare to making love with someone you feel a deep connection to.


Don't listen to the people who tell you don't worry because sex only gets better, it may,but there will be nothing like making love to that special person.

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Ha ha! I can only imagine what everyone thought when I used the word "inferior". Yes, I did feel dominated. But what I meant by using that particular word was that even though I had more experience than him, he really KNEW what he was doing. It's hard to explain, but there was something about the fact that he knew what he was doing that made him seem more superior to me. And I liked the way that made me feel. There was also more to the way he made me feel when we were together than just that. We never just had sex. It was always making love, even if there was no tenderness involved. There was always love and I could always feel it. (I hate being this explicit. It's kind of embarrassing lol.) The thing is, I have been in love one other time before him (assuming I even knew what love was then or even now.) The person I was with before never made me feel the way this particular person did. That's why I'm so afraid that I'll never find it again. That it's a once in a lifetime thing and I've already had my chance. Besides, I'm so pessimistic right now that I don't believe something that good is meant to happen to someone more than once. I've almost convinced myself that love doesn't even exist.

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I know axcatully what your talking about, I think there is a big diffrance in making love to someone vs. having sex with them.

Sometimes I think a person dosent really know this unless you are 100% in love with that person and the feeling comes back to you.

it is very special, I myself have never felt that except with my Ex G/F. For 3.5 Yrs.

What hurts the most is when you find out they having been sleeping around, And then you wonder how special was it??

It drives you Crazy...The hurt, Betrayl.


Sorry about that part, But yes I do know how it felt for you.

Good Luck.

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