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Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue...


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My eyes soaked red, my heart bruised blue,

These words can't sum the pain left by you.


Dropped by the world, that which was you,

disabled it left me, my time was due.


With nothing to turn to, nothing to lose,

I welcomed the Devil, all Hell broke loose.


In my recluse, I found but one friend,

substance abuse, I was nearing my end.


I threw myself into Pandora's box,

who would've known that this place had locks.


The days felt like years, but all in my head,

the world didn't care, time goes on instead.


Trapped in this box, the prison of my mind,

my vision of the world is that of the blind.


Monsters and demons eating away at my soul,

At this point, there's no way that I may ever feel whole.


If my life were a train, this must be the end,

the tracks had two paths, I chose the dead end.


Years gone by, I was still stuck in the past,

but now I'm breaking through that nightmarish vast.


I can finally see the sky that is blue,

the dark clouds are fading, and so did my desire for you.







Decided to write this poem on a whim. I can't even remember the last time I ever wrote or read a poem. I'm just trying new avenues to express myself and gauge my abilities to poetry. I really don't know what possessed me to even write this, I really don't know. Anyhow, thought I'd share. I'll admit it's not a great poem, I think it's too predictable and simplistic. Now I'm really starting to wonder why did I even write this. Guess I must be pretty out of it.

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