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Is this an apology.?


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Last weekend I drove her to the airport and picked her up.. It was fine for a few days she thanked me.. In an email 2 days later she said that she has panic attacks when she gets into my car if she is going to be alive.. Honestly my driving wasn't that bad and was going the speed limit and not erratically.. And she felt like she wanted to be alone.. After the email I didn't respond, but left a voicemail telling her I am still your best friend and support you in what you do, and let a few days later I get this text.. "I am sorry. I don't know how to get the emotional roller coaster to stop. Very hard."


Our relationship has had it's up's and downs..

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That is the question I ask myself.. She was my best friend for 15 years (meet in HS) and we tested the waters in a relationship and it's been rocky and unstable.. Don't get me wrong there are some wonderful times.. There is chemistry between us.. Our bond is kinda week right now and not sure where I do want this to go..

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I agree with DN. In fact I was surprised to see that this is in the dating section - she sounds like a reluctant and ungrateful friend. If she felt your driving was crazy then she should have spoken up, better yet paid for a taxi or shuttle.

Then she says that she's on an emotional roller coaster. You deserve so much better!

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