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i personally dont understand people and their behaviors


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personally i dont know why people do some of the things they do. for example: i dont know people want to 'make babies' with each other. then they take pictures and celebrate the woman's large belly. doesn't make any sense to me....also i do not 'get' making out/hooking up, random sex? Ok embarrassing enough, but I don't know why the woman voluntarily have sex with the male (outside of ok, she wants a baby). because so much made about the pain and bleeding, then why do it then? not to say everyone supposed try to be 'perfect' or anything but just wish i could make more sense out of peoples motivations and actions that everyone considers 'normal'. ty

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The mind is truly complex and in order to understand things more, open-mindedness and looking at things from a different perspective is essential. Maybe the question you should ask yourself is why you believe your way of thinking is correct. That will be a good start. What you consider normal may or may not be considered normal to someone else.

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The pictures and women who want to show their bellies are celebrating the new, precious life to come. I love children and I get excited that a new child will come. You get to see the world differently when you are around children. Ordinary things become interesting again and you can learn a lot about yourself from children. I do not get random strangers coming up and putting their hands on a pregnant woman's stomache.

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well i wanna correct someone. neversaid my way of thinking was 'correct.' imo, anyone think like this is probably defective in comparison to other humans. i said i don't understands other people's WAY of thinking and doing things, even if it is consider normal.


well frankly i am virgin and almost 32 so i must not have as much desires for sex as other peoples. if i do ever get 'lusty' i just masturbates & that pretty much solves that. i do not like people touching me, so i guess i do not want 'physical closeness' never sought it out anyways. that is half the problem, i do not understand why people want physical closeness and sexual touching with others. why they feel they need to do this. i dont get why people do things with others and then cry about the behaviors & the way it all turned out, later.

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The physical closeness helps me feel like I'm not alone. A hug just makes me feel better. I do crave stuff like that and need it but can't really get it on a regular basis. A hug can say, "I accept you the way you are." which can turn my day around when it has been bad. My Mr. Rogers signature explains the need for acceptance I feel.


You said in another thread that you have asperger's so you are normal for you. The world can be frustrating for you to understand. I don't have asperger's but there are things in life that I don't understand. So I kind of get where you are coming from.

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The physical closeness helps me feel like I'm not alone. A hug just makes me feel better. I do crave stuff like that and need it but can't really get it on a regular basis. A hug can say, "I accept you the way you are." which can turn my day around when it has been bad. My Mr. Rogers signature explains the need for acceptance I feel.


You said in another thread that you have asperger's so you are normal for you. The world can be frustrating for you to understand. I don't have asperger's but there are things in life that I don't understand. So I kind of get where you are coming from.


oh ok well now i understand what it do for you. far as i'm concerned theres no place in the world for asperger people, i dont care what anyone says.

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What do you need from the world that youre not getting?


world tailored around peoples that fit in with each other and the outsiders just get push fartehr and farther away. cant change the way the world is structured so no point in staying around. for what? to suffer while watching everyone else get on? no thanks. life just a waste of time far as i can tell, unless like i said ur able to be 'a proper part of society.' then those people always think it's worth it, of course. ha. really most of the people thats asperger or have bad mental illness is never going to be normal nor viewed as such so again why waste time. again, its just like ur sitting around watching a world revolves that you don't belong in. who wants that.

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Do you have any friends with Asperger's? Maybe you can meet some online or find a group in your city.


Do you know what you need from people in general? It appears that your needs are different from other people's, so it's your responsibility to tell people what you need from them. They can't read your mind and they can't guess, since they aren't like you. That's not a bad thing, though. I know I like to get to know people who aren't like me. Authentic, unique people are much more precious to me than unoriginal people.

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Do you have any friends with Asperger's? Maybe you can meet some online or find a group in your city.


Do you know what you need from people in general? It appears that your needs are different from other people's, so it's your responsibility to tell people what you need from them. They can't read your mind and they can't guess, since they aren't like you. That's not a bad thing, though. I know I like to get to know people who aren't like me. Authentic, unique people are much more precious to me than unoriginal people.


i dont have any friends period. excepts online. i got one friend. i dont bother with her as much sometimes. i drops the friends i had years ago like i say in another thread. they all have their lives, relationships, kids etc. when u dont have that stuff it just become awkward. got tired of them asking about my bfs when they know i dont ever date. it's Bull. theres no asperger group near here, one is too far away, town too small that i lives in. one thats near here is for parents w/ asperger kids....what do u mean "what do i needs from people?' I don't know. they not going to stop going on about the things they do anyways, what difference do it make. thats how they mostly all are. only options one really has is to carry on like them or be isolated from it. that's only two choices. i dont get them but they are consumed/obsessed with each other, just reads some of these questions. you see then how they act.

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I know I almost went crazy living in a small town because I just couldn't fit in. So I can only imagine what it's like for you.


I do have some single friends who are quite frustrated that they haven't found husbands and had children. So when I spend time with them, I'm always careful not to talk about my family or other things that might make them feel crappy. There's always other stuff to talk about, especially when you have other common interests.


Unfortunately, a lot of people (especially women, I'm sorry to say) let go of their identity once they get married and have children. They get to the point where their lives revolve around being wives and moms, and they are very boring to hang out if your life is different. Maybe you just had the misfortune of having those kinds of friends. In that case, they're the ones with the problem, not you. I hope I'm not going to offend anyone by saying this, but I find those people quite sad. I am a wife and a mother myself, but there is so much more to me than that.


Your friends must not have understood you and your needs, if they kept asking you about a boyfriend. I hope you can make new friends and maybe now that you understand yourself better, you can teach them how to be the kind of friend you need.

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