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I was doing fantastic at NC....really. Than about a week ago I receive a FB message from him saying, "heard about your tooth, hope you get better" (I had a horrid abscess tooth). I replied, "Thanks," Which honestly did not need a response, but he wrote back, "No problem. Have a good day." I replied, "Thanks you too...by the way, how did you hear about my tooth?" His response: "I miss you so much and I'm sorry. I do love you." He called...told me he heard I was going to New Mexico to visit some friends and that instead I should go to Oregon to see him. REALLY?! That he's so sorry for hurting me. That he loves me so much and that we really are meant for each other. My responses were limited. One word sentences. Conversation drew to an end. He said I love you. I said nothing. Phone call ended....Thanks for the head games hun.

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We've been broken up for a little over a month....first 2 weeks were HELL....didn't eat, couldn't sleep....prayed I'd hear those words from him every day....finally I've been moving on....I mean, yeah, it's kinda hard...but I'm having fun now and I'm excited about living a new life and finding out who I am. Ugh...honestly I think it's all about control with him....he likes to have control over me...I quit calling, texting, emailing, etc. and I think that's what really got to him....he is such a jerk.

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I already took him off as a friend pretty much right after the BU....I don't want to completely cut all ties with him so I won't block....I love him, I care about him, and if he could quit with the head games I'd like to have him SOMEWHAT in my life....I don't want to know all details of his life but if he wants to drop a line to say, "Hey, I'm doing good." I'm all down for that....just nothing too personal.

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Well, before the NC on both ends (which has only been for about a week 1/2, up until the other day of course) he was calling every night. I wouldn't answer so he'd leave horrible messages calling me (well, actually I'm pretty sure I can't write these words on here) but they really weren't nice at all....pretty much saying I'm out sleeping with everyone and I'm irresponsible and blah blah blah..I finally told him to STOP CALLING ME AND LEAVE ME ALONE. Considering the back story of the BU, he has no right to say ANYTHING to me...about ANYTHING. Silly silly man.

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