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Yesterday, my best friend told me she was aneroxic.. she found out she was anemic early this year.. and things hve been really hard on her.. i had noticed that it looked like she was losing weight... but about 3 months ago when she went to the dr. they said in 1.1/2 months she had lost 30 lbs.. so i am really worried.. the dr.s then said that she was anemic and she is on medicine for that now.. but she said i am the only one that knows she is aneorexic and she doesn't want me to tell anyone.. i'm so worried and comfused and i need some advice quick! thanks!

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It doesn't matter if she told you not to tell anyone else, you HAVE to. She needs help. I've been in your exact place, so I know it's hard. The way I look at it is this: "As long as my friend gets help it doesn't matter if she hates me." Eventually she'll thank you.


She probably told you because she actually does want help. Tell the school councilor. She'll probably know who told, but councilors will leave your name out of it. But in my case the school didn't do anything. If that happens then you have to tell her parents. People do die of anorexia all the time, it's not just a Lifetime movie thing. You have to help your friend.

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The way I look at it is this: "As long as my friend gets help it doesn't matter if she hates me." Eventually she'll thank you.


I agree.......the best friend is the one willing to give up everything, including the friendship, to make sure you're OK. My advice is to tell someone, it's what I would do in the same situation (and I have been in a similar one)

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