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Hey Guys hope your all ok, I have posted alot on here recently so ill just give a brief qauick description of whhat went on. Myself and My x where together for 14 months we finished in March but remained seein eachother until May (I went to America for 3 months) she said to me before i went she wanted us to start over which again we did starting right there and then so i was due home in August and i had stopped e-mailing her and calling her as much the last few weeks before i came home which she got annoyed about and we broke up AGAIN. The reason for the break the first time was because i didnt care for her enough she felt and that id always brush things under the carpet and things of that Ilk.


So i come back and we had already booked a holiday didn't go so well. Then with time to reflect i started to realise i really did love her and have tried since the end of august to get her back. We again have had mixed reactions i believe she is trying to move on she has been on a date with a lad in the army (1 date as he went away a few days after the date) and they have been messaging ever since. She has told me "He takes my mind off you, and i do like him but i don't have strong feelings for him because despite what you may believe am still very much in love with you". We did sleep together a few weeks ago her head has been confused unfortunaly i had slept with another girl (Drunken 1 night stand) who was a friend of one of my ex's friends so it got back to her. I had told her i had slept with nobody.


Anyway that was 3 weeks ago we talked for a few hours on the phone on sunday were she told me "I want to go and meet other people and at least give myself the chance to see how i feel" Also "I do think/hope we end up back together you have changed so much and i love the person you are now"


The problem is she has known she can have me whenever she wants i say ill go NC the longest i have lasted is 10 days (she also messages me or hints at things on twitter). I'm 100% now going to try and move on i messaged her 10 minutes ago telling her that i know what her game is (keep me there until she see how it goes with the army lad.)


I need help in moving on, i also feel that if i give her time away from me she will realise what we had.... The lad from the army doesn't come home for another 6 weeks.


Any advice?? Thank you

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Thanks for your reply she has just messaged me then replying to the message i sent. Yesterday she rejected my advances of a make up and get back together "Your such a knobhead, i went the docotors yesterday because i have been having awful Dizzy spells, i broke down telling him about us. I made the decision yesterday that me and you are no good for each other. Think what you want. "


So i have just sent a quick message apologising and that ill 100% leave her alone now. It's hard because i know i have changed but if she won't give me the oppertunity to prove it what can i do but move on.

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Why do you have to apologize? There's nothing to apologize about. Just send a quick message saying it's better not to talk to eachother for a while and work on yourself before initiating contact. If she loves you, she will respect your choice to not contact her.

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Thanks guys little update i logged into my Hotmail account today for the first time in a long time, the last person to use hotmail was my x 2 weeks ago she was still logged in. I know i shouldn't but i had a quick look through i noticed she had deleted a few of my e-mails about my weekend and things but more importantly she has kept the one i sent recently about how much i love her, and how i know i have changed??? I have signed out now should i read something into this???

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Thanks guys little update i logged into my Hotmail account today for the first time in a long time, the last person to use hotmail was my x 2 weeks ago she was still logged in. I know i shouldn't but i had a quick look through i noticed she had deleted a few of my e-mails about my weekend and things but more importantly she has kept the one i sent recently about how much i love her, and how i know i have changed??? I have signed out now should i read something into this???


So she told you she already made her decision, and you told her (and us) that you were 100% going to go no contact.


And now you're asking, after snooping through her email, whether a non-deleted email means something?


Use the common sense that God gave you, kid. What do you think?

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She has told me she has to move on. She also told me a few days ago that she loves me and hopes we get back together but knows not the right time. I also asked her if the reason she won't get back with me is pride. I said to her i feel in my heart that you love me and want to be with me but your scared and your prides stopping you. She txt'd me sunday night saying "It's hard for me to say anything without giving you mixed signals but you know in your heart how i feel about you". I'm confused and i know the best way forward now is to move on, i think about her all the time though is that normal??

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I'm in a very confused state and i couldn't help myself. I was just wondering if i should read anything into it as i'm only moving on because i have too.


Sure you could. You just chose not to. Don't be a victim, it's not an attractive quality for the ladies.


I know you were just wondering. That's why I said use the common sense that God gave you. Try it, you might be surprised.

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