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Hiya everyone!


I was just wondering what exactly girls look for in men. As an 18 year old male I know this might sound shallow but I go roughly 90% on looks, if I'm not physically attracted to them, then why bother.


What exactly do girls go for. Is it personality over looks, vice versa, or a combination of the two ?

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Okay, first let's not bash him too hard for going roughly 90% on looks, we're all different and he's not the only one. (Not saying I do that, though)But just know that isn't going to get you very far, as in relationships.

And superkgirl as much as I would like to agree with you when you said "yes women go more for personality over looks" I have to disagree on that too, because there are some women out there that go strictly for looks and/or money. (I don't do that either)


Looks to me aren't important. I go for the personality. The guy has to have a sense of humor, know how to treat not only me good but everyone else, he can't be full of himself...and a laid back guy. Someone like me. I don't care if he is 3ft tall and 700 pounds or 10ft tall and 30 pounds. That doesn't matter, an ounce. It's all in the personality.




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I'm not in it just for one reason, all I'm saying is that looks I think looks are more important than personality and wondered what the women on this site went for - either looks or personality ?


Surely you look at a person and if your attracted to them you talk to them and get to know their personality. I'm pretty sure that you would be put off getting to know someone's personality if they were only 3 foot tall !

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So, let me ask you this.


Girl #1) Most beautiful girl in the world. No sense of humor, no intelligence, doesn't want to do anything with you, doesn't do anything for herself.


Girl #2) Average looks, great sense of humor, great head on her shoulders, does things with you and isn't completely dependent on you.


You'd pick #1?

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Well 2 B honest recently Ive been with 2 girls -


Girl 1 - Stunning, absoloutely beautiful but no real personality and we dont have much in common but we can have a good laugh sometimes.


Girl 2 - Average in looks, we get along and have a real good time but she's kind of shy and unreliable.


Even though I get along with girl 2 more I choose girl 1 everytime because of the fact that even though theres problems there I am under no illusions about our relationship its purely fun between two people that are attracted to each other and is less emotionally involving than girl 2.


To Protex I would choose girl no. 2 because she's independent but I think youve gone to two extreme ends of the spectrum, its more than likely that the stunningly beautiful girl will have a more experienced head on her shoulders after all the attention she has received as well as be more independent.

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Sorry, barely skimmed the body of this post. If you'd have asked me this a year ago, I'd have told you I have three criteria for a man:


1. He has to look good in a kilt. This doesn't mean that he can't have knobby knees or hairless calves. This simply means that if he were wearing a kilt or some other non-mainstream look for any reason, he would neither shuffle around looking embarrassed nor run around screaming, "Dude, look at me! I'm wearing a kilt!" He would be cool, collected, nonchalant, and not wearing it for attention.


2. His deadpan has to make me laugh. Basic requirement. Doesn't mean he has to leave me in stitches all the time. He just needs the same snide sense of humour I have. Related to this:


3. He has to understand that some of the best jokes are silent and some statements have to be taken at face value. Punchlines get ruined too easily and prophesies lose their lustre when explanations are involved. I've been told I speak in code. I'd want a guy to understand that code; I detest constantly translating for myself.


This was all before I realized that "nice guys" are a figment of Capitalist media. Simply put, the stereotype that we've been taught to believe and is continually reinforced by the general public in is bunk. There are two types of guys in the world: jerks and pretending not to be jerks. I'm sick of pretenses. thereforeeee, my criteria are currently as follows:


I want a guy who will saunter up to me, slide his arm over my shoulders, whisper in my ear the one thing he knows will completely ruin my day, pull back, wink, and saunter away after giving me an unwelcome pinch on the butt. He has to think that no means yes, have high persistance and confidence, and laugh in my face when he throws me into a rage. When I kick him to the curb for what he's done, he has to reappear unruffled with a sardonic grin on his face. When I treat him badly, he has to treat me worse. When I treat him well, he has to stop spreading rumours that I slept my way to success but continue to say terrible things to me every once in a while to keep me on my toes.


A guy like this would probably look smokin' in a kilt and be cynical enough to make me laugh. Not speaking would probably be part of his artillary (I used another word beginning with an a, -rsenal, but eNotAlone's nanny thinks I was saying a bad word...ooookay) to keep me in line...good heavens, I've just reconciled my two models! (does a happy dance)

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I want a guy who will saunter up to me, slide his arm over my shoulders, whisper in my ear the one thing he knows will completely ruin my day, pull back, wink, and saunter away after giving me an unwelcome pinch on the butt. He has to think that no means yes, have high persistance and confidence, and laugh in my face when he throws me into a rage. When I kick him to the curb for what he's done, he has to reappear unruffled with a sardonic grin on his face. When I treat him badly, he has to treat me worse. When I treat him well, he has to stop spreading rumours that I slept my way to success but continue to say terrible things to me every once in a while to keep me on my toes.


Sounds like a witty bad boy with class. Maybe like a... Colin Farrell?

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What I look for in a guy is the 'bond.' That's the ultimate thing that I'm looking for. The chemistry's either there or it's not. I also need to find him attractive. If not, then I can't hang. I already learned this through experience, having gone through a 4 year relationship. I based everyerhing just the oppossite of what you look for in a relationship. I based it on 90% emotional. In the end, for me, not initially finding him physically attractive really took a toll. I cared about him, but he started to become more like a brother more than anything. (Not that women didn't find him attractive. Physically, for me, it just was not there no matter how many times I tried to ignore it & make the best out of the whole situation).


Other things that I look for in a guy:

1. Morals/Values- Do we share similar political/religious views? What kind of person is he? Is he honest? Does he try to rip people off, and think that it's okay? Does he road-rage or steal? Is he respectful towards people? Does he make rude comments about waiters/waitresses? Does he say things that appear to be stuck up or conceited? These are just the subtle things I notice in a guy. It's the little things that a person says or does, that says a lot!


2. Passion- Are we truly into each other? Can we intellectually engage in deep conversations? Does he have any kind of passion in life? Any interests? I enjoy a bit of sponteneity. Or is he just lazy? Does he enjoy simples things like going out to the arcades & watching movies, or going to the beach? Does he mind going out to dance? I'd love to have a guy who'd love to have a bombass time on the dance floor!


3. Responsiblity- How responsible is he? Is he commited to family? If so, then he'd probably be committed to 'our' future family (if we do end up having kids). Does he take pride in finishing some kind of education, or acheiving certain career goals? Or is he waiting on his mom's apartment complex so that he can inherit it, & do nothing with his life?


4. A Best Friend- Do we share that busome buddy bond? Can we both give each other enough space, but also rely on each other? Can we make up easily, if we get into little arguments? (Fights are healthy sometimes, but not all of the time.)


I'll probably never run into my image of 'ideal', but I can't settle for less than what I listed out. After learning from a few sour relationships in the past, that's just a list that I gathered from those experiences, and no matter what, I will strongly stand by it for a looong time.-Mahlina

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I think that looks are important but by no means the most important thing. When you meet a guy initially, he's hot...and so on. But after a few years together, of course some of that initial attraction will have faded. This is where the other qualities come into play such as personality, fun..etc.

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