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I saw her today in class..I Totally felt awkward about the drunken text


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So i saw her in class today and with my luck someone stole my seat and i had to sit next to her. it was complete silence on both sides while teacher was lecturing. During break i was in a group talking and i think she was in the class room sitting by herself...or maybe i didn't see her walk in. Anyway i walk in sit in my desk and she tells me "hey we had h/w on monday worth 20 points you should go to the teacher and ask her for it she's easy going so she'll let you turn it in." i looked at her awkwardly and said "ok" (at least she noticed i wasn't in class) * * * is wrong with me lol. i was also participating in class and she tells me "hey did you practice this before?" and i said "yes" and i asked her if she did and she said "in highschool" i was totally awkward. she left class early and didn't say bye.....


Do you think if she thought it was awkward about the text she wouldn't have talked to me? she initiated first... anyways all i did was ignore her and act awkward towards her... idk whats wrong with me...


did i ruin it? or am i good?

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It sounds like she was trying to talk to you like a normal person, and you were the one being awkward.


Just let it go, man. It was ONE text message. Apparently it's not on her mind anymore (if it ever was), so acting all awkward like that is only hurting you.

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