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hello it's me steve but you may know of me as hardcore or many other names from many other place's . yhea i get around lol . maybe i spend to much time on this thing how much time do you spend on it i spend about 9-10 hour's nigth wow you migth say but i do have to keep up with the time's lol . some pepole hate me this i know why you migth say but i'll just tell you with good reson lol. i hold back alot of stuff i really want to say. just don't know how to bring it out for judgement . or your apion .

i tiled this one smiple wish we all have a wish what is your's . i'll leave my one wish in the quote box at the end of this just some stuff you should know about me . i am not a child i am a man fat and ugly yes this i know .lol i'm a nice guy and we all know where i finish lol. door mate to some drit ball to a few lol. yes i do have problems but how do you mesure a man by his deads or by his heart . the true test of one is to come back . my ex just befor she wacked her self . said to me if you love something you must set it free. then if it come's back to you then it was ment to be . well i loved her and she is set free . i hope maybe in heaven we will see if it was ment to be. every one after her will only be a shadow apon the wall . i tried to give it up but just don't want to just can't forgive my self for being greedy like most of everyone else . time heals all wonds .

but this one i will keep open. don't say to me let got it's not that i can't just don't want to ok.

well its about throw so here's my wish if you want tell me your's i would like to see don't be ashamed to share i am not afraid look and you see what i meen lol



just one wish is to hold you in my arms aging . to wisper in your ear to kiss your sweet lips. this is but my one simple wish .


todays the day that we parted ways today i sit alone and i think of you .

in time i fear my memoreys will be lost .

so i keep this place in my heart.

to my love . maybe soon we shale be no so far apart in time sweet unforgiveing time maybe soon my love .





your allways steven

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