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Signs a relationship is meant to last?


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There are lots of obvious and happy reasons that help a relationship last. One huge sign that I've found is how well you handle stress and conflict. Do you argue well together, with empathy and respect? Do you approach things as a team, or one or both of you looking to win? Does it bring you closer together, or make you want to walk away? Stress and conflict are inevitable. Being able to handle such things in stride is a huge indicator of your long term compatibility.

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1. Timing- Both persons need to be in the right phases of their lives to make it to work. Before you can be with someone, you need to learn who you REALLY are as an individual.


2. Generosity/Consideration- Both persons need to be 100% generous/considerate to each other. Always put yourself in your significant's shoes and vice versa. It is not all only about "you" anymore, it is about "we/us" now.


3. Sense of humor- You have to make each other laugh


4. Friendship- Passion comes and goes but real friendship lasts forever


5. Communication- You need to show your significant other, exactly who you are and the person needs to accept and vice versa. You need to be able to talk about ANYTHING with your SO including difficult subjects such as finances, spending habits,everything.


6. The other person MAKES YOU BE A BETTER PERSON- You are not perfect and your SO is not perfect either. Each person complement one another and make both of you PERFECT for EACH OTHER.

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There are lots of obvious and happy reasons that help a relationship last. One huge sign that I've found is how well you handle stress and conflict. Do you argue well together, with empathy and respect? Do you approach things as a team, or one or both of you looking to win? Does it bring you closer together, or make you want to walk away? Stress and conflict are inevitable. Being able to handle such things in stride is a huge indicator of your long term compatibility.


Spot on! these are the important aspects of making it last..


Took me many yrs to fig this out...


Humor, sex, etc. Does would more fall into the attraction part..

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I think mutual respect is one of the most important things for a relationship to last. You both have to genuinely respect everything about the other person. This doesn't mean you agree with each other all the time. But it does mean you treat each other's viewpoints with respect and especially that you respect each other's feelings. Hand in hand with respect is knowing how to deal with conflicts. Conflict is a good thing if you handle it properly. If both people can avoid being aggressive or passive, but instead be honest and assertive (still with respect for each other), I think most other issues in a relationship can be overcome.

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A willingness to learn to live on your own for a while, before starting a relationship. We all have issues from our pasts, and getting with someone when you haven't taken responsibility for your feelings and behaviour can leave you trying to make your SO responsible for you instead. Not going to work out long term, so work on yourself whilst you are single, and don't burden your SO with you baggage. I guess this isn't about a relationship per se, but rather pre relationship!

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It's all in a smile. The thought of this person makes you smile, realizing something reminds you of this person and that makes you smile. Few months in, few years in... your still smiling and still feel happy as ever.


Other things like friendship, mutual love, knowing the qualities of what you wanted in a man/woman, respect, good times (able to laugh at anything), simple little things that you do for each other (keeps a relationship strong), still hold hands after months or years, you can make a situation that should of been a fight into something humorous, common interests, same place in life (so to speak)... way too many to list...


then there is that look. they still look at you the way as when you first met...


The sex also has to be INCREDIBLY great.

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I find myself wondering the same thing. When people are happy and they communicate well, you don't really wonder if it's meant to last, you're just happy in the moment. When you start wondering if it's meant to last, it means youre having a rough patch. Sex, communication, love and all of the above aren't always going to be awesome. So ultimately .. relationships last because that's what both partners want. Good qualities and things that make both partners happy and at ease are good. But if things are good 99% of the time and bad 1% of the time. (God, that sounds liek an awesome relationship) and if that person leaves that one time when it's bad, then what's the point? Both people have to want it. The other stuff just makes it easier. (It is important, but it's not the key.)

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