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How do I talk to this girl?

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First off, let me start by saying that I am in my second week of college. Now, the problem is, there's this girl in my math class that I'm very, very crazy about. I saw her the first day of school, and I've been hooked ever since. Wednesday came along, and I managed to sit in the row behind her. I wasn't desperate to talk to her then, because I was so worried about math (I hate math). I just looked at her and admired her beauty. Anyhow, the weekend came and I decided that I was gonna talk to her. I even had it all planned out. So Monday came, and I was happy. I got into class early, and waited for it to start. She came in, and I just ignored, because my plan was to talk to her after class. Class ended, and everyone was leaving. I waited for a little while because she was still in there. Well, she was talking to her friend, and I guess that intimidated me. So, like a coward (a coward I say), I left the class!!!! WHY DID I DO THAT !? All my plans, any hope of anything, all gone!! I didn't go immediately home, but I wandered around the school for about 10 minutes, seeing if I can find her. But she wasn't there. So with nothing else to do, I drove myself home madly. I didn't care if I got into an accident. My life's over anyway. I thought about her all day yesterday, and I'll be thinking about her all day today. So, what I came here for is: how do I get the guts to talk to her? Now, understand I do NOT want to date her, and I'll tell you why: If I let her know up front that I want to date her, she will either reject me and not want to see me again, or we'll date and it'll fail. So in reality, I really want to be her friend. That way I can be sure she'll be around. But I'll never do it if I run out of time. I have until Wednesday to think up a plan. After that, it's only until NEXT Wednesday, because of Labor Day vacation. I only see her on Mondays and Wednesdays, and I doubt I'll see her on Tuesday and Thursday. I remember going to the lounge twice last Tuesday and didn't see her. But, I guess I'll just have to try again today, and HOPE I find her. Here, I even have some plans ready. Maybe you can tell me which one is better:


A)Cheapskate plan. I write on an index card: "Hi. If you are not busy, maybe we can talk in the student lounge after class," and give it to her in class. It's cowardly, but at least she'd know

B)The "maybe plan." I arrive early in class as usual (lots of people in class. Don't want to sit in the back without a table like I did the first day), and when she comes in I do this: I sit next to her, and I say "Hi, my name is Michael," and shake her hand. Hopefully she gives her name, and I ask her how she's doing. Then I ask her what she's doing after class. If she's not busy, I can ask her if we can talk in the student lounge. After that, I leave and go back to my seat. This is what I might do, because the sooner, the better.

C)Just wait till after class to talk to her. Meh. I blew this already.


Or just give me your suggestions. After all, it is about what YOU think. PLEASE, help me on this, or I'll just give up on love and life, period (and live to hate).

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Get your game face on..........walk in the class. Sit next to her then casually start talkin about the class little chit chat like if you think the first test is gonna be hard or somethin. Or ask her some other questions. Then lead it into asking her out maybe not THAT day but in a few.

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how about forget all those plans, and simply come up to her and start a conversation. At the end ask her on a date/get her number.


also dont write anything on an index card, you are not in elementary anymore, show her u got balls by asking her out.

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Ok I hope you have not messed this up yet. There is only two ways to play this scenario out.


#1 you act like your self and she might like you she might not. Best case scenario playing it out this way you will just end up being one of her male friends.


#2 You do like some of these other people suggested and sit close but not right on top of her. Just close enough to talk for a min before class. It has to be before class. Don't ask why just do it. Now here's the important part make sure you do this right as your sitting down. Don't hesitate come in the room and know were your going. Don't be looking around. Find your seat as your walking. When passing by her to sit give her a look not a stupid faced look just give her a hey baby were did you come from look. Now as you're sitting down ask her if she just picked up this class as if she was not there the last two weeks. Act as if you did not notice her yet then play off that. This will catch her off guard and make talking to her easier. Ask for her name right then. And don't' forget it. This will get you a first date.


The rest is up to you.


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Hey man, you dont want to be just her friend. TRUST ME TRUST ME TRUST ME. Ive been in that situation more than a few times.Matter of fact thats about all Ive been in.Oh, its ok at first.But then she starts telling you sh*t you dont want to know.Like who shes sleeping with etc.The worse part is if you get in a situation where your around her and her boyfriend.Its painful.Dont go for "friends". Go straight for bf man!!

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Yeah, I did talk to her, kinda. It was last Wednesday, and class just ended. I waited outside of the class for her to come out. A minute passed and she came with her friend and a guy friend. Then, finally, she was not talking to anyone, so I just went up to her and said "excuse me." She just looked at me, and I don't know if it was a bad look or not. I think I saw a little discomfort in her eyes. Anyway, I said "I just want to introduce myself. My name is Michael." About 2 seconds after I said that, she gave me her name. I couldn't believe she actually talked to me. Then she went to catch up with her friends, but before she left I asked her if she liked math, she laughed and said no. So that was the end of our conversation and the last time we spoke. Once again, I don't know if she likes me as an acquantice or not. Well at least I'll say hi to her tomorrow when college starts again. Perhaps you women can tell me if she hates my guts.

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Looks like you put herself above you, big mistake. Wtf do you mean "she actually talked to me"? Is your self esteem really that low? She might have thought you were pathetic... but it is not too late to get her. Dont talk about school subjects, instead talk about something that both of you can relate to... hell ask to borrow her homework, make fun of that stupid sh1t your professor always says, whatever


just dont blow it again

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