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Ok so heres the deal, I am a big time romantic, and just a few years back I started dating online because I found that the girls around here are not my type, I have had about 8 or 9 girls that I have liked since the second grade, no I am not a player, most of the times there was a move or we lost contact, or it just didnt work out. So I am in this relationship with this girl and its a long distance relationship and she is 3 years younger than me, but her parents thought that I was about 2 years older than she was, and that I lived in the next town over, I was warned by my gf that if they ever found out I lived accross the US from her I would never be able to talk to her again. I have been friends with this girl for almost a year and have been in love with her for a couple of months, and after a while chatting online, we started chatting on the phone. Well she asked me to call on her borthday which is when her mom was home and so I called and her mom picked up and found out by my voice I was older than her daughter by more than 2 years and then later found out that I lived accross country, so she told me that it would never work out between me and her and that there could never be anything between us, and that I could never call her again. its been a little over a week and I havnt heard from her, but I know she is grounded and that she cant come on the computer, but I also know her mom is taking the computer to get it changed somehow and we both think that her mom is taking the computer to make it so I cant chat with her. So basically, I am loosing contact with her and I dont know what to do, maybe I need some advise or support, usually I am the one to give advice to others, but I dont know what to do now, I feel so bad and the biggest problem is I think she might be the one for me, in fact I know she is the one for me, and she knows I am the one for her, and we both want to marry each other, but right now we are playing the game of romeo and juliet, LOVE HURTS SOO MUCH, what do you think I should do after 8 or 9 gf and finally finding the right one.

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Firstly, take a deep breath & chill out! You poor thing, i'm sure that quite a lot of people on here can understand what you're going through but you need to put things into perspective...


I can see that you are only 16 years old which is way too young to be thinking about marriage and the likes if you ask me! Still, that's only my opinion.. but still a very valid one!


I'm sure you really like this girl you've met online but as you said, she is two years younger (which thereforeeee makes her 14 yrs old..) so her parents are probably being really protective as they want what's best for her!


Remember that they don't know you personally so for all they know you could be a lot older than you say you are and they are just being cautious.. You hear so many things about chat rooms, the Internet, etc - Don't blame them, as you would do exactly the same in their situation, wouldnt you?


I know it seems a bit harsh but you need to let go and see what fate has to offer - maybe the girl you like will manage to e-mail you when she gets her computer back (no matter what her parents do to her computer she can still go round her friends house and use theirs for a minute..so no excuse) and give you a reasonable explanation & perhaps you could take things slowly & become 'buddies'..


In other words carry on living your life & take each day as it comes..

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thanks a lot thats what I needed to hear, and thats what I was expecting, I am not sure if I put that she was 2 years younger or not but she is actually 3 years younger, and your totally right about the chatrooms and stuff and that i would do something similar if I were in her parents shoes, thanks alot, um anyone else have anything to add, I just want to hear from everyone so I know what to do.

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