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i've never felt so lost


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Hey everyone,

I really need some guidance and help. Ive never felt so lost and far away from myself. I feel so lonely. I feel like a stranger. I have a boyfriend who is wonderful to me and I love him so much. We've been together for 15 months, and I know that he is the man I could spend the rest of my life with. I am 23 and he is 24. Recently in our relationship I feel like I am losing myself. But not just in my relationship..in other aspects too. I am a recent college graduate with a degree in music therapy. I did an internship for 7 months prior to graduation. This really changed my life, changed my relationship, and changed who i am as a person. I did a music therapy internship in a facility for adults with developmental disabilities. This was very challenging, and I experienced a lot of change from being an intern at this place. I discovered that certain passions I thought I had were not there anymore. Interests changed, and its very depressing. Right now I am working with Alzheimer's/dementia patients and I love it. I'm an activities director, so I do all different activities, as well as bring my music therapy atributes to my programs. I feel alive, and I feel like myself when I am working, but when I come home, I don't feel satisfied. I used to. But since my internship started and ended, I just didnt feel complete anymore, and didn't feel like myself. I feel like I found who I am in a professional world and enjoy it, but who am I in a social and personal world? I am struggling. And getting very insecure and upset. It is destroying my relationship with my boyfriend, as well as the one I have with myself. I dont know who I am.



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Early-life crisis?


I believe in a theory that states whatever damages the body or doesn't keep the mind at peace needs to go.


If you're happy with your boyfriend being a part of your life then I wouldn't dare think to start there. But there's obviously something else going on in your life that needs to be put under the microscope.

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