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to the one's that make this all worth while i am back for the most part . i just need to clear my head . do i feel better no. wrigth now as i'm rigthing this . i have tear's in my eye's i find my self wondering why . why life had to make me this cruel littel man with out a heart in his chest. at times . i just got back from a place where things were differnt .help is hat i need and i have found some hope out there in this world to day yhea i'm back on my med's and i go to see the shrink tommrow . to tell me whats wrong with me . i sit here thinking of not death but of life and all the life i have missed . so here i sit here with my family but a part of me feels so far apart from them . i just want thing's to be back the to normal aging . yhea i have a problem and i'm tring to fix it the best way i can but i become lost very quick it would seem . how life could take ahold of me so quick. i was just to the point i couldn't look at myself in the mirrow. so saddly i have to say i don't know if the man you love to talk to will be the same man anymore maybe i'll be the same man maybe i really don't feel like the same man but i'm not a new man eather i still leave with the sin's of my past that can never be forgiven .but just maybe you can forgive me for not being there if you need to talk to me while i was away.


8) your friend hardcore

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