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am I falling out of love?


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The spark, the spunk the fun is totally gone. For me at least. It is hard to grasp on what he really thinks. He is 7 years older than me. Does that matter? He is a hard working man. He is a bit of a control freak. I don't worry much whether we are late, or out of milk. He does. And gets upset about stuff like that. Not to the point of breaking a wall, but it really just frustrates me that lil' things like that get him. When we are in bed, after sex, I enjoy a good snuggle. Or at least a small talk, instead of just rolling to the side and say, ''That was good good night''. This coming from the guy that wants me to be more adventurous with our sex life. I get turned off by that. I may not be a porn star in bed with all the tricks, but I try my best with EVERYTHING.


We decided we needed to go away somewhere. I mean, we were planning to go out of states to somewhere romantic. But instead, we never managed and ended up somewhere down the Jersey shore. It doesn't matter to me, at least as long as i am with him. But all he wanted to do, apart for the occasionally passionate kiss here and there, was to get me on the slots. Seriously, I felt like the older crowed in the casino, who just sits there for a long period of times, with a lost face expression. That was my first time EVER gambling, and I didn't enjoy it. I don't like it. But he kept insisting that is fun. He doesn't gamble either. Actually, he says he's only done it a few times. ANywho, I'm getting off the topic here.


My expectations right now are:

1. Have some one who will NOT mind if I wanted to talk about whatever, after sex, or even after work, or whenever, instead of the eye rolling.

2. For him to lay back a bit. Not worry if we are out of something in the fridge. It is not the end of the world.

3. Make me want it. Talk to me...in that kind of way.

4. Make me feel wanted, loved in public. Because that is such a turn on!!!


Darn, I have many more but I will leave it to that.

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