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sometimes i feel low

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Hiya...im new to the post so......yup. Anywho, i try not to feel depressed all the time....but im gettin sick of gettin in and out of depression, its like my emotions are goin up and doen and up and ect. I used to have a serious problem w/ acne...it cleared up a bunch...and its not botherin me anymore...but im now in the 10th grade, and i had it ever since the 6th. So between all those years, i felt depressed. And this summer i cleared up alot, but ive felt sooo lonely lately. My sis says its normal to feel low sometimes...but she doesnt know how i really feel. I havent had a girlfriend since 7th grade, and now im feelin the confidence again to get back into the ball game....nut ive been feelin so depressed lately, that i lost all of it. Like I wanna do fun stuff, but everyone is bein gay(stupid) to me. All my friends have girlfriends, and im out in the dark. Today was the worst day feeling-wise...i felt like dying again, i dont feel like doin anything anymore, and i almost started crying...but i didnt. So if anyone can help out in the problems im in...id appreciate any responces.....later days

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Hi, sorry to hear you're feeling low. It's really tough, when you're a teenager, 'cause ups and downs are kinda severe sometimes. (It gets better as an adult.) So, I just wanted to ask if you're taking any medication (pills) for the acne, because sometimes that contributes to feeling depressed. Maybe you already know about this, but if you check the directions that come with the pills, there should be warnings listed. You might talk to your doctor if one of the side effects is depression. Just a thought.


But, if you're not taking anything, then it's just life being life ... and I think we all get to a point where we're looking around thinking, da*n I don't have any good friends! But that's exactly when we have to start putting ourselves out there. I'm sure you're a cool person, so just focus on the good things about you and get your confidence back up. Later.

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