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attractiveness and selfconfidence

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I've never really thought of myself as attractive i used to be overweight and often heard guys saying they would never date me no matter what. Well now im in high school and take good care of myself and have lost a lot of the excess weight through sports. Now i receive compliments about my looks but i just can't believe what these people are saying.


I sometimes feel i look good however whenever i am out the guys that hit on me i don't find very attractive and i shrink away from those i find cute because i think to myself


" stop looking this guy is probably wondering why such an ugly girl that has no chance him is even looking him over."


I also dont like my friends who i think are very pretty and often date have the most gorgeous guys with them to see me looking at a guy i think is very attractive because i dont want them to think " why is she doing that she obviously doesnt have a chane." i know i seem very absorbed in looks but i do live in south cali and here looks are emphasized SOOOO much its revolting. How do i get over this lack in confidence and maybe feel confident enough to show a guy that i find attractive that im interested?

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Yea i used to be in your same shoes, i was overweight all the way up to 8th grade, where i finally got so sick of myself i started going to the gym and working out like crazy. In my freshman year, i lost 15lbs(at the same time growing taller), and my sophmore year i lost another 15lbs, and started working with weights more.


I still thought i was the most ugly person in my group, and i had litterally no self confidence, and had never had a girl hit on me before. Even when i received compliments i just pushed them aside, still thinking that i was ugly, and they were just being nice.


It finally took a beautiful girl that stepped up and showed me that im not ugly, but in fact pretty handsome. Im now dating her, and none of my friends believed that i finally got a girl that i deserve. She said that she was very attracted to me (i guess she saw a picture of me), and that when she met me, she liked my personality even more.


Just be yourself, your lucky that your a girl, your not supposed to make the first move or anything. If a guy finds you attractive you should be able to tell. Everyone has a good part to them, and some guy will see that in you, and you will be great together.

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Hey I was also in the same boat up until very very recently. I was about 150 lbs in 6th grade and here I am in 11th sitting at about 168 or something. Not "thin" or anything but certainly not fat either. I look don't look to bad at all really. I was always mocked when I was younger though, and even with my friends it stuck as a joke, so I was constantly reminded I was overweight. Over time a began to realize how stupid that idea was and that I am just another guy, and I actually look a lot better than a lot of guys out there. I know it is hard to just tell yourself you look good, I was there, but you just have to trust in those people who have been in your shoes. Also, being a girl you just need to show them that you have some interest and be a little flirty. You don't have to make a move so you wont look stupid at all or anything like that. If anything, they will look stupid if they all ask you out at once and you have to choose

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