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So NC day 3. What happened during this day was HIS request to become my friend on FB again. It was HIS initiative, not mine. As I wrote in yesterday's post "NC day 2" we agreed to remain friends without ANY benefits. And now I see where it will lead. I don't keep any hopes anymore, because I'm trying to live my life on myself not depending on his decisions. I don't contact him. He doesn't contact me too. But just because we agreed on this, I keep staying on my NC plan. I haven't contacted him. My plan is not to comment anything on his wall, not to write sms messages, not to call, not click "Like" buttons under anything and so on. Also what I've done today - I went to his profile and deleted all MY comments under all his status I've made, unchecked ALL "Likes" under status and photos and left as less traces of myself as possible. By doing that I understood how obsessed I was to comment something there. Well, I removed it. I want a clean image of myself that I can be independent from ANY guy for a while. Of course I will be dating guys, but I decided not to do any "serious relationship", "LDR", "FWB" or any other stuff.


What I was also doing - I posted some positive links on my profile, also I posted a photo of the main day event that happened to me (positive only!). And he clicked "Like". Whatever. I want to say guys that it's not so hard for me to keep NC as I thought. I try to clean my life from the basics. I give a time to myself. Also what happened earlier today was - a FWB guy which blocked his profile from me 2 months ago, unblocked it and contacted me. He was apologizing for his bad behavior with me and was asking for my response, but what I've done - I dumped him in an polite way saying "There's no chance for us to get back together in no way". I wanted to make this closure so clear that he would understand it from the first time. But he replied that he lied to me about his age either. So I just deleted his post. He's not in my friendlist, but now the more I do this NC stuff the more I understand what losers I was meeting in my life. Now I just began "Recycling" them. So I hope and believe that my life just gets better and better.

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Good job! Keep it up!!!


If you can keep him off your FB account though, you'll be much better off. What helped me immensely with my NC was the "outta sight, outta mind" approach. I cut ALL contact with her for 10 months before I happened to talk to her again crossing paths out of nowhere.


I never knew how much NC helped me until that moment.

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