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Am I Settling Or Being Silly?

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JT - At some point you need to own your feelings. Accept them as valid. Make a decision from there. Either suck it up or move on. You have stalled by posting thread after thread to save you the trouble of taking responsibility and making an adult choice.



I agree 100%. I need to figure out how I feel and make a decision. And I wouldn't say seeing a therapist is about working to save my current relationship. Its about me understanding my emotions better to either be able to make the next steps in my current relationship or to be better prepared for a future relationship. Seeing someone would be all about bettering myself.


I don't want to end a 2 yr relationship without having thought it through and being sure. I've have posted 2 threads on this but at the time I had a little bit of a freakout - I'm much more calm and better able to get a read on myself now and hope to get this all figured out. I've been very honest with L about how I feel - its the least I can do.

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Thirty is too young to settle for someone with whom you don't feel the 'spark', and it's not fair on her either. The feeling of finding other women more attractive and wishing you could date others is only going to get worse as the years go on, if you stay with her. Again, this isn't fair to her. Also, why stay with someone you don't feel that 'spark' for, when you're not even married and don't have children to keep you together? There's no point.

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