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Today I Feel Better Than When I Was With The Ex

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Today I felt for the first time, that I am "falling out of love" with my ex. I didn't ever think that would happen. I'm sure it's got a lot to do with his behaviour around the breakup. When I saw him last week, I got some mixed messages from him. If it had been a couple of weeks earlier, I would be reading into it of how I might be able to get back with him. It seems that my heart is finally catching up with my head. This is a relief.

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Emotions are so odd aren't they? I'm glad you're at this stage Silverbirch. I'm up and down up and down still but feeling much stronger. No longer wake up with her being the first thing on my mind. My appetite is back and I'm starting to feel alive again. Then again that's cos we haven't been in contact in a few months. No doubt when it comes to sorting the house out I'll suffer a setback. Her starting to see someone else straight away has probably helped in the long run, as I have lost a lot of respect for her. If I'm honest I had lost my identity with her (not her fault, that was my own) but I'm getting it back.


I'm learning Japanese again, starting Karate on Sunday, writing songs, getting better at snooker, applying for scholarships... Today is a good day. Gotta enjoy them while they're here!


Good luck to us all.

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Hi Lemsip,

Sounds like you are doing all the right things. You can't know how things will be when it comes to selling the house. When I saw my ex last week, I collected a small amount of valuable home furnishings which had been at his place in a cupboard. I had only felt able to cope with going to get them then - maybe 4 months after breakup, and even then, the week before, I was getting a bit uncertain. It went as well as could be expected and I managed myself much better than I had anticipated. In fact, seeing him again has probably played a part in me feeling now like I'm falling out of love with him. Since the breakup, I've had to face that he is not the person I led myself to believe he is. Then seeing him in person with the rose-colored glasses off was probably a positive side of the healing process for me.


Lemsip, if you keep going as you are, you will be fine. As narcissistic as this may sound, I felt so good about having picked myself up and wiped away the dirt before I got to see him. I was such a mess after the breakup, and he seemed just dandy. I suppose that by the time I saw him even though I still had a reasonable amount of sadness, I was at the point where I knew I could go on, and one day, be happy again! You can do that too.

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This image is of a painting by my favourite Australian Artist, Margaret Olley, who passed away in her sleep just a couple of weeks ago. She was aged 88, was painting up until a couple of days before she last went to sleep. She was an amazing woman who never married, but was very happy although she had many difficulties in her life. Margaret Olley was a painter of still life, mostly of objects in rooms in her own home. She liked to paint ordinary, every day objects in a colorful and intimate way. I find myself wanting to be in the rooms she paints. Anyway, this image above is a little like my life right now!

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