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Getting back with the ex - your story!

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funny how that worked out fer ya sadboy...i came on here to read about storys like this because I just got back with my ex ex.

so far its good, everything i missed is back. basically yhe story goes, she left me abouot 10 months ago right before she left for college, because of alot of things, mainly we started fighting alot...not agreeing on anything..it just went down hill form there...but ya, now everyhting is good...i never gave up on her we always talked...etc...even though we had other relationships....we both agreeded that what we had was special and it would never be the same with anyone else....everything is amazing once again, right now we're doing the long distance thing, but its all good....we should be moving iin together sometime in the near future.

alls i can suggest is be painecnt and dont ever stop talking to her if she means the world to you....unless of course she tells you to f-off.lol

good luck sadboy....oh ya...also...remember flowers...most girls love flowers.

--peace out


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Well she actually has told me to F*** off to be honest... she went absolutely crazy after the break-up and is finding it hard! Told me she never wants to have anything to do with me for a long time... all this after she needs some space to sort out her issues. I tell her it may be best to have some space and on all three occasions she runs back the same day saying what on earth is she thinking. Last time it happened we decided it be best we break up! So we did...


So now I cant call her or anything for the fear she may go nuts again!


The only thing I have done is send her some photos I knew she'd want with a little letter wishing her well - nothing lovey dovey... hopefully she can at least accept the photos!


Dont think we have a chance of reconciliaiton at all... then again, you never know what people may be thinking... peoples minds can change dramatically when you are not there!


She is messed up so figure it is best she sorts out her head! When it si sorted it may be interesting to see what she comes up with!

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well when i finished with my now fiance for a period of time, we basically pretend each other didnt exsist.. if we saw each other we would pretend we didnt.. or if we was in a school thing we would just say "hi" and that was it. by the time we got back together i had finally gotten over all the heartach she cause me, so i basically started a fresh instead of jumoing in and gettin back in to the relation and picking up where we left off, i made a effort to get to know her to see how i felt..


Started off with aknowloging each other again lol, then gradually started talking, stopping to talk if we saw each other, then one day in school she was in the school's like nurses office, i happened to by chance justs ee her, so i stopped asked what wrong.. silly question really (period stuff) as i was leavin she asked for a hug, i was shocked but gave her one anyway.


then we she came back ina few days later i had been thinking about her so much, i just wrote a note "how are you" etc. she wrote back and so on for a week then finally iwnet out at lunch time with her and her mates and me n her slowd down n chatted, i was downing beers cause it was my birthday. (its pretty hazzy for a bit now lol) but i member as we got back to the school gates ready for last lesson she said "if you down the last can i will give you something" so corse i downd it hehe ang got a kiss so that made my bday. then went to hers on the friday night talked on her door step, and really opend up to each other, never done that before, but the more i did the more i realised that i still loved her, and then after 24 hours of thinking bout what happened in the past we both met up at lunch time on the 20 january 2004 inbetween English & Maths and said at the same time " will you go back out with me" been happy ever since now


wow lol life story... anyways my point start a fresh and get to know here all over again... forget the past as best you can.


Good Luck



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