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Girlfriend Is pregnant. Won't tell me.


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As far as the age thing - the only thing different from 19-25 and 30-36 is the numbers. Is she still young? Why yes, and IMO a bit childish but that's a whole other argument.


Young people do dumb crap. We do. And 19 years old is an adult, I agree with you there.


As far as the difference in the numbers, that's what they are. However, 19 is typically a different stage in life than say 29. Just as sure as 25 is a different stage in life as say 50.

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Young people do dumb crap. We do. And 19 years old is an adult, I agree with you there.


As far as the difference in the numbers, that's what they are. However, 19 is typically a different stage in life than say 29. Just as sure as 25 is a different stage in life as say 50.


I agree, but again when you put the numbers together, it's that age old thing of certain numbers just don't look right. My fiance and I are 4 years apart, 23 and 26 (he'll be 27 this year). Nothing wrong with those numbers. But then you put that same time frame to a 16 and 20 year old and it's instantly not good.

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I agree, but again when you put the numbers together, it's that age old thing of certain numbers just don't look right. My fiance and I are 4 years apart, 23 and 26 (he'll be 27 this year). Nothing wrong with those numbers. But then you put that same time frame to a 16 and 20 year old and it's instantly not good.


That's the point I was trying to make earlier. Her mind is just too young at 19 for him at 25.

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I don't think it has anything to do with her age, really. It're more about her as a person. At 19 while it would have been horrible to be pregnant, I"m not the kind of person to disrespect someone like the OP"s girlfirned is. Not all 19 year olds would react like she is in this situation but yes, she's clearly not mature enough to handle the consequences of sex.

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This is just another reason I am a supporter of schools - or even parents - better teaching their kids the consequences of sex and everything. She's 19, she's over the age that makes her an adult and again, if your comfortable to have sex with someone, ya should be comfortable enough to say those words 'I'm pregnant'.


As far as the age thing - the only thing different from 19-25 and 30-36 is the numbers. Is she still young? Why yes, and IMO a bit childish but that's a whole other argument.


There's a lot of maturing that occurs particularly within females between 18 and 23, especially those who are college bound. I think it happens due to the "surge of maturity" that occurs at 11-13, followed by a valley or a plateau as males catch up to the same level around 16-18. 18-25 is a huge jump for both males and females - Insurance companies are in agreeance about this factoid - though I'd dare say women git peak maturity first.


Regardless, the difference in mindset and outlook alone of a girl who's 19 and a girl who's 22-23 is enough that I won't date anyone under 22-23. For one thing, it's more realistic. And for another, you're looking at a girl who knows where she's going, what she wants, and she's proactively seeking it, whereas she's broken out of the doldrums known as college.


I've noticed this tendnecy, at the very least.

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I agree, but again when you put the numbers together, it's that age old thing of certain numbers just don't look right. My fiance and I are 4 years apart, 23 and 26 (he'll be 27 this year). Nothing wrong with those numbers. But then you put that same time frame to a 16 and 20 year old and it's instantly not good.


ot, it's not, becasue there's a huge difference between the outlook of someone who's 16 and someone who's 20. The lifestyle is fundamentlly different - 16 means she's still in the maturity level of high school. That's reality.


You can put 50 and 30 together and be perfectly fine. The reality is, there isn't much Maturation done by either sex once they're above the "growing up" stages. At 30, that person is pretty well the person they're going to be. 20 is still a world of wide open possibilities.


You of course have your stunted and your over acheivers - the latter being more mature than most their age and with no issue handling situations in a proper manner. And then there are many who cannot - many like this OP's gf...

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Again though, not all 22 year olds know were they are going. There are always the very mature ones for someone's age,and the very unmature.


There's a lot of maturing that occurs particularly within females between 18 and 23, especially those who are college bound. I think it happens due to the "surge of maturity" that occurs at 11-13, followed by a valley or a plateau as males catch up to the same level around 16-18. 18-25 is a huge jump for both males and females - Insurance companies are in agreeance about this factoid - though I'd dare say women git peak maturity first.


Regardless, the difference in mindset and outlook alone of a girl who's 19 and a girl who's 22-23 is enough that I won't date anyone under 22-23. For one thing, it's more realistic. And for another, you're looking at a girl who knows where she's going, what she wants, and she's proactively seeking it, whereas she's broken out of the doldrums known as college.


I've noticed this tendnecy, at the very least.

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